Rich Hanna
Rich Hanna
# Issue Recently we updated from blastula 0.3.3 to 0.3.5, and began running into the following issue when deploying our scheduled mailers to RStudio/Posit Connect: ``` 05/06 18:40:30.716 (GMT) Error...
# Issue Description The `add_partial_keys()` function is used to split events and arm names that REDCap provides as a single unique event name, ex: `repeat_event_arm_1`. `add_partial_keys()` will split this up...
# Description This PR seeks to provide a new `join_data_tibbles()` function. To support this with regards to complex mixed data structures, some changes needed to be made to how we...
# Expected Behavior When joining mixed data structures with `read_redcap(..., allow_mixed_structure = TRUE)`, we expect tables to be made with meaningful, unique primary keys. # Current Behavior During development of...