nitra copied to clipboard
AST: Cannot use extension methods in interpolated strings
The compiler gives two error messages with this program:
using Nitra;
namespace Test
ast Test
Error(context, "Extension methods inside interpolated strings don't work:");
Error(context, $"$(Foo.UnboxAndIncrement())"); // error : there is no member named `UnboxAndIncrement' in Test.Foo with type ?
// error : typing fails on ambiguity between overloads:
Hint(context, $"This works fine: $(FooExtensions.UnboxAndIncrement(Foo))");
in Foo : Foo = Foo(2);
using System.Console;
namespace Test
public module FooExtensions
public UnboxAndIncrement(this foo : Foo) : int
foo.Bar + 1;
public class Foo
public Bar : int { get; }
public module FooTester
public Test(foo : Foo) : void
WriteLine($"This also works fine: $(foo.UnboxAndIncrement())");
In addition to the error messages, I also get several hints about System.Convert.ToString()
Note that this is Nitra specific. As you can see from the WriteLine()
in the last line of the second file, it works correctly in Nemerle.