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hot water BAXI
I can't set the temperature of hot water, the hot water heating mode is turned on but the water is not heated
Hi do you have pid_climate_controller on a climate card with the target temperature on?
Good afternoon. Yes, there is, but I turned it off, and if I understood correctly, it is responsible for heating water, not hot water
Good afternoon. Yes, there is, but I turned it off, and if I understood correctly, it is responsible for heating water, not hot water
Hi @ananyevgv, what you say is right, the pid_climate_controller
is only for heating water.
Hot water is only controlled by the Hot water climate. I think it could be a communication problem with the boiler.
I have read in another issue that you have a BAXI nuvola 3 comfort 240 fi. According to this compatibility matrix, your boiler is compatible with the message that sets the hot water temperature, I don't know what might be happening.
I recommend you try the most basic code, directly with the Ihor Melnyk examples, and go step by step.
I'm sorry I can't be of more help
P.D: I have a Baxi Platinum Compact ECO, and it works fine
Hello @rsciriano , Thank you so much for your work. I will figure it out further, there are two ideas what else can be done, I will try. Unfortunately, it's cold time now, and I don't really want to experiment with the boiler. Thanks again.
In one of the descriptions of the ready-made solution with opentherm ( ) found a mention of : "Second Circuit The option necessary to turn on the DHW control on some boilers" and we are talking just about BAXI
I found it on the Internet, "For absolutely correct communication with this boiler, it is advisable to ask him the Slave configuration (MSGID=2) first, answer him with the same code in the Master configuration (MSGID=3), and then send the Slave product version (MSGID=127)."
MsgID=127 «Slave product version: 51 1», т.е. [1 000 0000 01111111 00000000 00000000],
Hi, I have the exact same issue. Did you figure out how to solve it?
I decided to do it differently, since this option does not implement the opentherm protocol in full. I decided to do it with a controller and a serial-to-wifi bridge. (links below. unfortunately, only in Russian language).
I want to do it all in the watch case. Unfortunately, it is very cold now (-20), so I left the experiments with the boiler until the summer. The appearance and 3D model are here:
I drew a board for your program, I can upload files for the order
Of course I'm not good at programming, but something happened.
It turned out, a little later I will post the code for baxi nuvola-3 b40