Raphaël SCHITZ

Results 89 comments of Raphaël SCHITZ


Hi, thanks for your support. we'd love that and we're trying to find something cooler than what [we did in SexiLog](http://www.sexilog.fr/sexiboards/veeam-backup/) Stay tunned!

https://community.veeam.com/blogs-and-podcasts-57/vbr-v11-restful-api-for-vbr-415 https://github.com/VeeamHub/veeam-postman/tree/master/postman_for_veeam_backup_and_replication

we can automate ESX/VM move between clusters but not rename since we don't use moref or bios uuid as reference.

By vNIC traffic you mean the vm traffic?

you already have the vmnic traffic and i suppose you have dedicated nics for VM on your ESX rights?

good idea indeed, i'll try that and see how it goes on multiple clusters to see if that's relevant


It's the up+down vNic Usage but it looks interesting anyway so we'll add it in the next release ;)

During testing i figured out that it's impossible to compare the vmnic and the vnic traffic to deduce the internal only traffic because the vmnic traffic would include vsan, iscsi...