SimH_cpanel copied to clipboard
SimH simulator emulator fork with Control Panels and Visual devices. IBM 650, IBM NORC, IBM 701, IBM 360, SWTPC 6800, Ferranti Mark I, HP 2100
**NEW!: HP2100 with Plotter, TV and Scope Displays
The aim of this project is to add visuals to SimH emulator/simulator on an interactive GUI.
The visuals covers interactive control panels (lights, switches, buttons) but also other devices: tapes, card readers, disk, etc.
IBM360 and i7000 work is based on Richard Cornwell SimH fork, modified to use cpanel modules. swtpc6800 work is based on Bill Beech SimH simulator. HP2100 work is based on David Bryan. i650, NORC, i701 and MarkI simulators are my own SimH simulators.
HP 2100 | Ferranti Mark I | IBM 360/370 |
IBM 701 | IBM NORC | IBM 650 |
Currently supports visuals emulation for:
HP 2100 Family (NOV/2023)
- HP7210A Flatbed plotter
- HP91200B TV Interface Kit
- HP1300 X-Y Display Scope driven by HP12555 DAC Card
- HP1331 X-Y Display Storage Scope driven by HP12555 DAC Card
- HP1300 X-Y Display Scope driven by HP1350A or HP1351A Graphics Translator
- Computer Front Panel for
- HP 2116-A, HP 2116-B, HP 2116-C
- HP 2115-A
- HP 2114-A, HP 2114-B
- HP 2100-A, HP 2100-S
- HP 21MX-M, HP 21MX-E
- HP 1000-M, HP 1000-E, HP 1000-F
Click here to preview control panels.
Ferranti Mark I Electronic Computer (APR/2023)
- Creed 7B Teleprinter, Creed 6S Perforator, Creed 7P Perforator
- Main console (as in 1951)
Click here to preview control panels.
SWTPC 6800 (MAY/2022)
- SWTPC MF68 Floppy Disk
- Percom LFD-400 Floppy
- SWTPC GT-6144 Graphics Terminal + PPG-J Analog Joystick
- MP-T Timer Card
- subLogic Graphics One Terminal
IBM 360/370 (SEP/2022)
- IBM 2401, 2415 and 3420 Tapes
- IBM 2450 and 3525 Card reader punch
- IBM 1403 and 3203 Printer
- IBM 2314, 3330 and 3350 DASD
- IBM 1052 and 3210 Printer-Keyboard Console
- IBM 360 CPU Model 30, 40, 50 and 65
- IBM 370 CPU Model 145, 148 and 138
Click here to preview control panels.
IBM 701 Electronic Data Processing Machine (JUL/2021)
- IBM 726 tapes, IBM 711 card reader, IBM 721 card punch, IBM 716 printer
- Main console (as in 1953), Early console model (as in Early 1952)
Click here to preview control panels.
IBM NORC Naval Ordnance Research Calculator (UPDATED JUL/2021)
- panels for tapes, printer, indicator panel and main console
Click here to preview control panels.
IBM 650 Magnetic Drum Data Processing machine (UPDATED JUL/2021).
- IBM 727 tapes, IBM 533 card read punch, and IBM 355 RAMAC disk storage
- panels for IBM 653 Storage Unit and IBM 652 Control Unit
Click here to preview control panels.
IBM 7000 Series
- IBM 704 and 709 control panel.
- IBM 727 and 729 tapes
- IBM 766 data synchorinizer
- IBM 7090/7094 control panel.
- IBM 7617 Data channel console and IBM 729 tapes
- IBM 711 card punch, IBM 7909 data channel panel, IBM 7631 file control panel and IBM 2302 disk
Click here to preview how control panels. Source code in sims-master folder
Test Run Software Kits
Common keys
Several ready to run sw kits are available to demo control panel operation (Windows only)
Hot keys are available when GUI window has the focus:
- Control E -> Halt
- Control T -> Toggles mark on clickable areas
- Control Y -> Toggles size of GUI (half size <-> full size)
- + (plus) and - (minus) keys -> Zoom In/Zoom Out (also Control + and Control -)
- Control I -> Toggle info panel
- Control F -> Fast mode: while pressed, accelerates cpu to max speed
- Mouse:
- Click on control panel image and drag mouse to move the window
- Right click mouse to show a tooltip with image at 100% scale
Press power button to quit the simulator. (On i7000 control panels, only ^E, ^Y and ^T available)
HP 2100 Family
Click here to download test run.
Once uncompressed, you will find several ready to run .bat files (among others):
Start RTE operating system by executing one of the following batch files:
run CPanel HP2116C - RTE FH (Fixed Head) (1971).bat
run CPanel HP2116C - RTE MH (Moving Head) (1971).bat
run CPanel HP21MX M-Series - RTE-II (1973).bat
run CPanel HP1000 M-Series - RTE-III (1976).bat
run CPanel HP21MX E-Series - RTE-IV (1978).bat
run CPanel HP1000 E-Series - RTE-IVB (1980).bat
run CPanel HP1000 F-Series - RTE-6VM (1981).bat
Start DOS operating system by executing one of the following batch files:
run CPanel HP2115A - DOS (1969).bat
run CPanel HP2100A - DOS-M (1971).bat
run CPanel HP2100S - DOS-III (1975).bat
run CPanel HP2114B - MTS (1970).bat
batch file to run MTS Magnetic Tape operating system -
Start BASIC session by executing one of the following batch files:
run CPanel HP2116B - PaperTape Basic (1970).bat
run CPanel HP2100S - RTE-B (1973).bat
run CPanel HP2100S - DOS-III HP 2000F Basic.bat
run CPanel HP2100A - DOS-M SuperBasic.bat
run CPanel HP1000 M-Series - RTE-III BASIC1000.bat
Try out Plotter by executing one of the following batch files:
run CPanel HP1000 M-Series - RTE-III BASIC1000 Plotter Demo Shuttle.bat
,run CPanel HP1000 M-Series - RTE-III BASIC1000 Plotter Demo1.bat
,run CPanel HP1000 M-Series - RTE-III BASIC1000 Plotter Demo2.bat
,run CPanel HP2100A - Plotter Diagnostics (1972).bat
,run CPanel HP2100S - RTE-B Landscape Demo on Plotter.bat
,run CPanel HP2100S - RTE-B Sample Plotter.bat
,run CPanel HP2116B - PaperTape Basic Plotter Demo.bat
Try out X-Y Scope by executing one of the following batch files:
run CPanel HP2100A - Scope Test Pattern Generator (1970).bat
,run CPanel HP2100A - Storage Scope Test (1971).bat
,run CPanel HP2100S - RTE-B Landscape Demo on Scope
,run CPanel HP2116A - BCS Scope Demo.bat
,run CPanel HP2116B - PaperTape Basic Scope Demo.bat
Try out Storage Scope by executing one of the following batch files:
run CPanel HP2100A - Storage Scope Test (1971).bat
,run CPanel HP2100S - RTE-B Landscape Demo on Storage Scope.bat
Try out Graphics Translator vector images by executing one of the following batch files:
run CPanel HP21MX E-Series - RTE-IV BASIC1000 Graphics Translator Demo.bat
,run CPanel HP21MX E-Series - RTE-IV FTN4 Graphics Translator Demo.bat
,run CPanel HP2100S - RTE-B Landscape Demo Graphics Translator.bat
,run CPanel HP2100S - RTE-B Sample Graphics Translator.bat
Try out demo progrmas
run CPanel HP21MX E-Series - RTE-IV BASIC1000 Tie Fighter Rotating Demo.bat
,run CPanel HP2100S - RTE-B Mandelbrot Demo on TV.bat
,run CPanel HP2100S - RTE-B Landscape Demo.bat
Ferranti Mark I
Click here to download test run.
Once uncompressed, you will find several ready to run .bat files (among others):
run CPanel MarkI - Brooker Autocode (1955).bat
batch file to run R.A.Brooker original Autocode compiler -
run CPanel MarkI - Glennie Autocode (1952).bat
batch file to run A.Glennie Autocode compiler -
run CPanel MarkI - Draughts Play (1952).bat
batch file to play Christopher Strachey's Draughts Game. Board is displayed in scope tube. -
run CPanel MarkI - Love Letters (1952).bat
batch file to run Christopher Strachey's Love Letter programme -
run CPanel MarkI - Scheme A (1951).bat
to run Alan Turing Scheme A -
run CPanel MarkI - Scheme B (1952).bat
to run Brooker + Glennie Scheme B -
run CPanel MarkI - Scheme C (1953).bat
to run Brooker Scheme C -
run CPanel MarkI - Scheme T (1954).bat
to run Toronto University Scheme T
SWTPC 6800
Southwest Technical Products Corp 6800 computer, based on Motorola 6800 cpu. There is no control panel simulation. Instead, SWTPC GT-6144 Graphics Terminal + PPG-J Analog Joystick is simulated: 64x96 B/W resolution on TV. Also simulated is subLogic designed Graphics One Terminal: 200x200 B/W resolution, just enough to run basic version of Bruce Artwick 3D microcomputer graphics package
Click here to download PaperTape based programs test run.
Once uncompressed, you will find several ready to run .bat files:
Machine code programming
- execute
run swtp6800 Assembler (1977).bat
batch file to demo TSC Assembler - execute
run swtp6800 CoRes Assembler (1977).bat
batch file to demo SWTPC CoResident Assembler - execute
run swtp6800 Debug Package (1978).bat
batch file to demo TSC Debug Package
Basic programming
run swtp6800 SWTPc 4K Basic 2.0 (1976).bat
, orrun swtp6800 SWTPc 8K Basic 2.0 (1977).bat
, orrun swtp6800 SWTPc 8K Basic 2.2 (1978).bat
, orrun swtp6800 SWTPc 8K Basic 2.3 (1978).bat
batch file to run TSC BASICs -
run swtp6800 TSC 4K MicroBasic 1.3 (1976).bat
, or executerun swtp6800 TSC 4K MicroBasicPlus 2.1 (1977).bat
, or executerun swtp6800 TSC 8K Basic (1980).bat
batch file to run SWTPC BASICs -
run swtp6800 MITS Altair 680 Basic 3.2 (1976).bat
batch file to Microsoft Basic 3.2 ported from MITS Altair 680
- execute
run swtp6800 Space Voyage game (1976).bat
batch file to run Space Voyage text game - execute
run swtp6800 Editor (1977).bat
batch file to demo TSC Text Editor - execute
run swtp6800 Usurpator Chess (1980).bat
batch file to run USURPATOR I Chess program for 6800 (from book by H.G.MULLER)
Click here to download Graphics programs test run.
Once uncompressed, you will find several ready to run .bat files:
run swtp6800 gt6144 st1 demo (1976 graphics).bat
batch file to show Star Trek USS Enterprise on simulated TV set -
run swtp6800 gt6144 Space RACE game.bat
batch file to play Interactive Real Time Graphic game (gasp!) -
run swtp6800 subLogic 3D package basic (1977).bat
batch file to demo Bruce Artwick 3D microcomputer graphics package recovered from and here
Click here to download Flight Simulator test run.
Once uncompressed, you will find a ready to run .bat file:
run swtp6800 gt6144 Flight Simulator (1981).bat
batch file to run the simulator. This program is based on Original subLogic 3DG68.V3.1 Graphics Routine Package (by Bruce Artwick 1979) recovered from here
Click here to download Floppy Disk based Operating Systems test run.
Once uncompressed, you will find several ready to run .bat files:
run swtp6800 MiniDOS MPX (1977).bat
orrun swtp6800 MiniDOS MPX demo.bat
batch file to run Percom MPX Operating System for LPD-400 floppy disk -
run swtp6800 FDOS (1977).bat
orrun swtp6800 FDOS demo.bat
batch file to run SWTPC FDOS 1.0 Operating System for MF68 floppy disk -
run swtp6800 FLEX 1.0 (1978).bat
batch file to run TSC FLEX 1.0 Operating System for MF68 floppy disk -
run swtp6800 CP68 (1978).bat
orrun swtp6800 CP68 build.bat
batch file to run HEMENWAY CP/68 Operating System ported to MF68 floppy disk -
run swtp6800 FLEX 2.0 (1979).bat
orrun swtp6800 FLEX 2.0 demo.bat
batch file to run TSC FLEX 2.0 Operating System for MF68 floppy disk -
run swtp6800 DOS68 5.1C (1980).bat
orrun swtp6800 DOS68 5.1C demo.bat
batch file to run SSB (System Signals Broacasting) DOS 5.1C Operating System ported to MF68 floppy disk
Click here to download SDOS Operating Systems test run.
Once uncompressed, you will find several ready to run .bat files:
- execute
run swtp6800 SDOS 1.1G (1985).bat
to run Software Dynamics SDOS 1.1G Operating System for MF-68 floppy disk - execute
run swtp6800 SDOS 1.1G build.bat
to run build SDOS 1.1G Operating System floppy disk images from SDOS binary files in /build folder - execute
run swtp6800 SDOS 1.1G compile.bat
to run compile SDOS 1.1G Operating System binary files in /comp folder from sources in /build/src
IBM 370
Model 138
Click here to download DOS/VS test run.
Once uncompressed, you will find several ready to run .bat files:
run CPanel IBM 370-138 DOSVS r34 sysgen (1MB).bat
batch file to sysgen the operating system at real hw speed. Will need 5h30m aprox -
run CPanel IBM 370-138 DOSVS r34 (1977).bat
batch file to IPL the system. Then drop jcl file into card reader to run it.
Model 145
Click here to download VM/370 test run.
Once uncompressed, you will find several ready to run .bat files:
run CPanel IBM 370-145 VM370 R6 sysgen (512KB).bat
batch file to sysgen the operating system at real hw speed. Will need 1h aprox -
run CPanel IBM 370-145 VM370 R6 CMS (1979).bat
batch file to IPL the system. Then drop jcl file into card reader to run it. -
run IBM 370 VM370 R6 CMS (1979).bat
batch file to run a CMS interactive session (no control panel, max speed) -
run IBM 370 VM370 R6 sysgen (512KB).bat
to sysgen the system at max speed, no control panel. Will need 30min aprox
Model 148
Click here to download OS/VS1 Release 6 test run.
Once uncompressed, you will find several ready to run .bat files:
- execute
run CPanel IBM 370-148 OSVS1 R6 sysgen (8MB).bat
batch file to sysgen the operating system at real hw speed. Will need 4h15min aprox - execute
run CPanel IBM 370-148 OSVS1 R6 (1976).bat
batch file to IPL the system. Then drop jcl file into card reader to run it. - execute
run IBM 370 OSVS1 R6 VS Assembler (1976).bat
batch file to run a sample program (no control panel, max speed) - execute
run IBM 370 OSVS1 R6 sysgen (8MB).bat
to sysgen the system at max speed, no control panel. Will need 1h20min aprox
Click here to download OS/VS1 Release 6.7 test run.
Once uncompressed, you will find several ready to run .bat files:
run CPanel IBM 370-148 OSVS1 R6.7 sysgen (8MB).bat
batch file to sysgen the operating system at real hw speed. Will need 6h45 aprox -
run CPanel IBM 370-148 OSVS1 R6.7 (1979).bat
batch file to IPL the system. Then drop jcl file into card reader to run it. -
run IBM 370 OSVS1 R6.7 Stanford Pascal (1979).bat
batch file to run a sample program (no control panel, max speed) -
run IBM 370 OSVS1 R6.7 SNOBOL4.bat
same as above -
run IBM 370 OSVS1 R6.7 BASIC 360.bat
same as above -
run IBM 370 OSVS1 R6.7 sysgen (8MB).bat
to sysgen the system at max speed, no control panel. Will need 3h15min aprox -
run IBM 370 OSVS1 R6.7 VTP.bat
to open an interactive VTP session (no control panel, max speed)
IBM 360
Model 30
Click here to download BOS/360 test run.
Once uncompressed, you will find several ready to run .bat files:
run CPanel IBM 360-30 BOS360 sysgen (64KB).bat
batch file to sysgen the operating system at real hw speed. Will need 5h aprox. -
run CPanel IBM 360-30 BOS360 (1966).bat
batch file to IPL the system. Then drop jcl file into card reader and press Enter in console to run it. -
run IBM 360 BOS360 Assembler 16K (1966).bat
batch file to run a sample program (no control panel, max speed) -
run IBM 360 BOS360 COBOL-D (1966).bat
same as above -
run IBM 360 BOS360 FORTRAN IV (1966).bat
same as above -
run IBM 360 BOS360 RPG 16K V1.L0 (1966).bat
same as above -
run IBM 360 BOS360 sysgen (64KB).bat
to sysgen the system at max speed, no control panel. Will need 1min aprox
Model 40
Click here to download TOS/360 test run.
Once uncompressed, you will find several ready to run .bat files:
run CPanel IBM 360-40 TOS360 r14 sysgen (64K).bat
batch file to sysgen the operating system at real hw speed. Will need 9h aprox. Be patient! -
run CPanel IBM 360-40 TOS360 r14 (1973).bat
batch file to IPL the system. Then drop jcl file into card reader and press Enter in console to run it. -
run IBM 360 TOS360 r14 Assembler (1973).bat
batch file to run a sample program (no control panel, max speed) -
run IBM 360 TOS360 r14 Basic FORTRAN IV (1973).bat
same as above -
run IBM 360 TOS360 r14 COBOL-D (1973).bat
same as above -
run IBM 360 TOS360 r14 PLI (1973).bat
same as above -
run IBM 360 TOS360 r14 RPG (1973).bat
same as above -
run IBM 360 TOS360 r14 sysgen (64K).bat
to sysgen the system at max speed, no control panel. Will need 3min aprox
Model 50
Click here to download DOS/360 test run.
Once uncompressed, you will find several ready to run .bat files:
run CPanel IBM 360-50 DOS360 r26.2 sysgen (256KB).bat
batch file to sysgen the operating system at real hw speed. Will need 4h aprox -
run CPanel IBM 360-50 DOS360 r26.2 (1975).bat
batch file to IPL the system. Then drop jcl file into card reader to run it. -
run IBM 360 DOS360 r26.2 Assembler (1975).bat
batch file to run a sample program (no control panel, max speed) -
run IBM 360 DOS360 r26.2 ANS COBOL (1975).bat
same as above -
run IBM 360 DOS360 r26.2 COBOL-D (1975).bat
same as above -
run IBM 360 DOS360 r26.2 FORTRAN IV (1975).bat
same as above -
run IBM 360 DOS360 r26.2 IVP Basic FORTRAN (1975).bat
same as above -
run IBM 360 DOS360 r26.2 PLI-D (1975).bat
same as above -
run IBM 360 DOS360 r26.2 RPG (1975).bat
same as above -
run IBM 360 DOS360 r26.2 sysgen (256KB).bat
to sysgen the system at max speed, no control panel. Will need 40min aprox
Model 65
Click here to download OS/360 MVT test run.
Once uncompressed, you will find several ready to run .bat files:
run CPanel IBM 360-65 OS360 MVT r21.8F sysgen (1MB).bat
batch file to sysgen the operating system at real hw speed. Will need 7h15min aprox -
run CPanel IBM 360-65 OS360 MVT r21.8F (1974).bat
batch file to IPL the system. Then drop jcl file into card reader to run it. -
run IBM 360 OS360 MVT r21.8F Assembler F (1971).bat
batch file to run a sample program (no control panel, max speed) -
run IBM 360 OS360 MVT r21.8F ANS Cobol V2 LVL78 (1972).bat
same as above -
run IBM 360 OS360 MVT r21.8F Cobol E (1967).bat
same as above -
run IBM 360 OS360 MVT r21.8F Fortran H (1974).bat
same as above -
run IBM 360 OS360 MVT r21.8F PLI-F v5.5 (1968).bat
same as above -
run IBM 360 OS360 MVT r21.8F RPG V1M10 (1975).bat
same as above -
run IBM 360 OS360 MVT r21.8F sysgen (1MB).bat
to sysgen the system at max speed, no control panel. Will need 45min aprox -
run IBM 360 OS360 MVT r21.8F TSO (1974).bat
to open an interactive TSO session (max speed, no control panel)
IBM 701
Click here to download all the test run.
Once uncompressed, you will find several ready to run .bat files:
run CPanel IBM 701 demo.bat
batch file to demo computer control panel and its i/o equipement -
run IBM 701 NAA SpeedEx Assembler (1953).bat
batch file to assemble and run a sample program -
run IBM 701 NR9003 Assembly (1952).bat
batch file to assemble and run a sample program with Nathaniel Rochester Symbolic Assembler -
run IBM 701 SO2 Regional Assembler (1952).bat
batch file to assemble and run a sample program with William F. McClelland Assembler
Click here to download all the test run.
Once uncompressed, you will find several ready to run .bat files:
run CPanel IBM NORC PERT.bat
batch file to run a sample PERT processing (1958) -
run CPanel IBM NORC tape demo.bat
to demo tape rewind and forwards read
IBM 650
Click here to download all the test run.
Once uncompressed, you will find several ready to run .bat files:
run CPanel IBM 650 FORTRANSIT graph.bat
batch file to run a sample FORTRANSIT program (1957) -
run CPanel IBM 650 SORT 1 (only Tape).bat
to demo a tape sort -
run CPanel IBM 650 SORT 2 (Tape+Ramac).bat
to demo a tape + RAMAC sorting -
run CPanel IBM 650 SuperSoap.bat
to demo a SuperSoap assembly -
run CPanel IBM 650 Test All (long run).bat
for a long run of demos (SOAP, Regional Assembler, Bell Interpretive System, Floating Decimal System, Super Soap, IT and FORTRANSIT)
IBM 700/7000
IBM 704
Click here to download SHARE UASAP Assembler test run.
IBM 709
Click here to download 9AP Assembler test run.
IBM 7090
Compact control panel
Click here to download IBSYS Edit Map using compact control panel.
Full control panel
Click here to download Build IBSYS from source files.
Click here to download IBSYS Fortran II and COBOL test run.
Click here to download Lisp 1.5 test run.
IBM 7094
Regular control panel
Click here to download IBSYS Fortran IV test run.
Control panel with full HW setup needed to run CTSS
Click here to download CTSS test run.