Correct, the `define_metric` function does need to have the metric defined already. I can certainly add in the second point to the feature request.
Hello @sung0471 ! I was able to reproduce this behavior on my own machine and it seems that @soumik12345 is aware of this issue so I will make a bug...
Hello @dkupsh ! Could you send the debug bundles of the run that is experiencing the memory leak? They should be located in the `wandb` folder in the same directory...
Hello @dkupsh ! I looked into your debug logs and there does not seem to be anything necessarily wrong with the debug logs. However, you did mention that since each...
We don't have a direct integration Population-Based Bandits and after looking around it looks like you are right when it comes to `PB2` spinning up new `WandbLoggerCallback ` instances every-time... I was able to create a report and tick the box with no issue on my end. Could you send one of your reports that is crashing? I am...
Ah, I can see the behavior now. It does look like it is the Audio Panel that is crashing the page. I will write a bug report on this and...
Hello @shashvatshah9 ! Thank you for writing in! I have made a feature request to have team members leave a team for our App team to take a look at.
Hello @janpawlowskiof ! `artifact.wait()` is a great way to handle this. Like you said, deleting an artifact while it is uploading is problematic as it can cause the artifact not...
As of right now, there is no safe way to cancel an artifact that is being uploaded. Deleting it while being uploaded may cause errors as the artifact would still...