curlie icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
curlie copied to clipboard

The power of curl, the ease of use of httpie.

Results 28 curlie issues
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For many tools I desire behavior like `less`'s `--quit-if-one-screen`. So, if output fills more than one screen, page it and don't spam my terminal with gobs of output. However, piping...

Normally curlie returns output like that (as expected): ``` [mateusz@arch curlie (fix)]$ curlie localhost:8080 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 19:35:04 GMT Content-Length: 30 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Hello...

It'd be helpful to have a .zip release for windows instead of a gzip tarball.

when server send me `Transfer-Encoding: chunked` curlie can't print stream

``` Warning: Calling bottle :unneeded is deprecated! There is no replacement. Please report this issue to the rs/tap tap (not Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/core): /opt/homebrew/Library/Taps/rs/homebrew-tap/curlie.rb:6 ``` reference:

Should release a binary for Apple M1 processors and other arm/arm64 processors

curlie is fantastic, however sometimes it seems some errors are hidden. For example, curl shows: ```sh $ command curl -OL | sh curl: Remote file name has no length!...

It would be great to support the file embedding syntax from httpie. From the httpie docs: ``` '@' Form file fields (only with --form or --multipart): cv@~/Documents/CV.pdf cv@'~/Documents/CV.pdf;type=application/pdf' '=@' A...

In curl, it's surprisingly difficult to output some things, like request & response headers without the TLS negotiation (see e.g. [here]( HTTPie has a useful `-p / --print` flag, I...