SafariOmnibar copied to clipboard
Please don't stop developing Omnibar
I've installed Safari 5.2 and the new original Omnibar isn't half as useful as your Omnibar. So I'm begging you: please keep updating your work. It makes searching so much faster.
Thanks Martin.
Which feature from omnibar do you miss in 5.2?
entering "wiki searchterm" opens wikipedia, "ama searchterm" opens amazon and so on. This is something I'm using everyday several times and now every search leads to google. I changed the bundle max identifier so the plugin works with 5.2, it even changes the addressbar input to "Wikipedia: " but this search leads to google again.
And adding custom search engines is a very big plus.
I miss search engine keywords as well. I think it's possible to implement it thru simple Safari Extension. I'll look at it.
Sounds great! Thanks for all that work! :)
Yes. Custom search engines from the URL bar was a huge loss with Omnibar not being supported in 5.2. I used Omnibar to do easy queries in to From there, I could exact a search on pretty much any website:
- y goog google search
- y gmap Los Angeles to New York
- y imdb Midnight in Paris
- y netflix Fear and Loathing
etc, etc. It was low hassle. So nice.
As a workaround, I've installed Alfred. A quick launch "spotlight" replacement. With that, I can do the same thing, but through alfred. So instead of CMD-L to focus the searchbar, I do CMD-SPACE to invoke Alfred. Then "y imdb Midnight in Paris" and Safari is opened by default.
You can use Alfred to add any custom search engine you want. It's a nice workaround, but having this functionality in the browser's URL bar was great. You can do this natively in Firefox by adding a Keyword to a input box. You can do it in Chrome as well under 'edit search engines'
So yes. I highly recommend developing a quick patch on Omnibar for 1.7 to support at least this basic functionality in Safari 5.2. It's huge.
You might also want to check this out:
Would love to see that also.
Search engine keywords are just gorgeous. Please make them live in 5.2 and new 6.0
dep - changing the Binary of the browser is never a good idea, more so when you want to have the ability to work with upgrades. we need to get this plugin working with version 6