Roger R.
Roger R.
Yes I see. (Ctrl-C) interrupts Macro STEP perfectly, just like (Ctrl-Break) interrupt in legacy DOS. Thanks for addressing NUM Lock function in Unix.
Manually updated Help file for default 123-Keymap.odt / Keyboard Index / View defaut keymap [123-Keymap.odt](
Excellent - look forward to beta testing..
If waiting on me to beta test, I would need a procedure to compile, or *.deb file similar to "lotus123r3_1.0-3jammy_i386.deb" My Linux terminal Kung Fu began this year on System76...
Congratulations are in order, since Macro STEP function now displays limited Macro progress at bottom left. 1) Except for blank {Subroutines}, STEP displays top-level command, with first 18 of 625...
To get full-screen across most terminals, good argument here for packaging distro-agnostic WmCtrl as dependency with .deb Temp fix can define Alias script in .bashrc for fullscreen, and also...
After your worksheet copy renamed remote-file names to prevent over-writing newer records fault would not repeat. Perhaps another app locked a file during 123 macro calls to remote files? Will...
Thank you for clarifying Ctrl-Z. Accustomed to 123 "/" System" menu to access shell, with the Prompt $ instruction to type "Exit" when done. Don't see Ctrl-Z in 123 help...
Excellent, thank you sir.
Just discovered built-in terminal command xdotool to get full screen when launching 123 xdotool getactivewindow windowsize --sync 125% 125% 'man xdotool', and 'xdotool help' explain this tool