Robert R. Tucci
Robert R. Tucci
Second jupyter notebook illustrating multi-threaded gradients
Wat is the error joseplz?
Oh, sorry, I misunderstood. You mean, fix a parameter epsilon so that norm(u - approx_u) < epsilon. I haven't thought about it, but now that you mention it, it is...
It is a very good request, but will take a lot of time and work. I promise to do it someday...
I always use the Frobenius norm, but I am not very sophisticated about norms
The multiplexors decompose exactly into a huge number of gates but they can be approximated. I have included software to do a possible approximation of them. But it requires ancillary...
I think multiplexors and their approximation will be important in quantum AI
QEdward cannot load B. Nets. It only works for quantum circuits broken up into layers. I've written two models for it. To see a typical use, look at the main()...
The bif file is in The class BayesNet is in the file in the folder called graphs I follow a JAVA convention of putting one class per...