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Cannot use "ref" after the widget was disposed
Describe the bug In our production app from firebase crashlytics, we are getting this exception being logged .i.e Bad state: Cannot use "ref" after the widget was disposed.
Crash Log
Non-fatal Exception: io.flutter.plugins.firebase.crashlytics.FlutterError: Bad state: Cannot use "ref" after the widget was disposed.
at ConsumerStatefulElement._assertNotDisposed(consumer.dart:550)
at ConsumerStatefulElement.read(consumer.dart:619)
at StoresMapComponent.build.<fn>(stores_map_component.dart:35)
at _GoogleMapState.onPlatformViewCreated(google_map.dart:441)
To Reproduce We are setting google map controller on onMapCreated callback
onMapCreated: (controller) {
zoomControlsEnabled: false,
myLocationButtonEnabled: false,
buildingsEnabled: false,
myLocationEnabled: true,
markers: markers.values.map((e) => e.toGoogleMapMarker()).toSet(),
initialCameraPosition: cameraPosition.toGoogleMapCameraPosition(),
// Map Controller Provider
final getMapControllerProvider = NotifierProvider.autoDispose
.family<GetMapControllerNotifier, IMapController?, MapToLoad>(
() {
return GetMapControllerNotifier();
class GetMapControllerNotifier
extends AutoDisposeFamilyNotifier<IMapController?, MapToLoad> {
IMapController? build(MapToLoad args) {
return null;
void update(IMapController controller) {
state = controller;
And its being used in another provider
final mapControllerProvider = NotifierProvider.autoDispose
.family<MapControllerNotifier, IMapController?, StoresTypeToFetch>(
() {
return MapControllerNotifier();
class MapControllerNotifier
extends AutoDisposeFamilyNotifier<IMapController?, StoresTypeToFetch> {
IMapController? build(StoresTypeToFetch args) {
state = ref.watch(getMapControllerProvider(MapToLoad.stores));
fireImmediately: true,
(previous, next) {
if (previous != next) {
return state;
Is there any thing wrong with this approach which is causing this error? Can i get help on this ?
Expected behavior This bug shouldn't appear.