freezed icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
freezed copied to clipboard

Handle cases where a named parameter is dynamic and required

Open Haidar0096 opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

I have this class (related to BLoC) :

part of 'playback_bloc.dart';

class PlaybackBlocEvent with _$PlaybackBlocEvent {
  const factory PlaybackBlocEvent.init() = _InitEvent;

  const factory PlaybackBlocEvent.startPlayback({
    required String filePath,
    required Function whenFinished,
    required  currentSelectedTrackIndex, // the error turns out to be because I forgot to specify the type here
  }) = _StartPlaybackEvent;

  const factory PlaybackBlocEvent.pausePlayback() = _PausePlaybackEvent;

  const factory PlaybackBlocEvent.resumePlayback() = _ResumePlaybackEvent;

  const factory PlaybackBlocEvent.stopPlayback() = _StopPlaybackEvent;

  const factory PlaybackBlocEvent.playbackEnded() = _PlaybackEndedEvent;

After alot of time trying to figure out the error, I discovered that I forgot to specify the type of the parameter currentSelectedTrackIndex , but the runner couldn't find this error. The build runner was generating freezed file with errors and I was not able to run the app, and the error message of the runner is :

[INFO] Generating build script...
[INFO] Generating build script completed, took 749ms

[INFO] Precompiling build script......
[INFO] Precompiling build script... completed, took 13.0s

[INFO] Setting up file watchers...
[INFO] Setting up file watchers completed, took 27ms

[INFO] Waiting for all file watchers to be ready...
[INFO] Waiting for all file watchers to be ready completed, took 176ms

[INFO] Initializing inputs
[INFO] Building new asset graph...
[INFO] Building new asset graph completed, took 1.3s

[INFO] Checking for unexpected pre-existing outputs....
[INFO] Deleting 7 declared outputs which already existed on disk.
[INFO] Checking for unexpected pre-existing outputs. completed, took 22ms

[INFO] Running build...
[INFO] Generating SDK summary...
[INFO] 5.9s elapsed, 0/16 actions completed.
[INFO] Generating SDK summary completed, took 5.8s

[INFO] 7.0s elapsed, 12/22 actions completed.
[INFO] 8.4s elapsed, 12/22 actions completed.
[INFO] 9.5s elapsed, 12/22 actions completed.
[INFO] 10.5s elapsed, 12/22 actions completed.
[INFO] 11.6s elapsed, 12/22 actions completed.
[INFO] 13.2s elapsed, 12/22 actions completed.
[INFO] 15.3s elapsed, 13/22 actions completed.
[INFO] 25.1s elapsed, 13/22 actions completed.
[INFO] 26.2s elapsed, 13/22 actions completed.
[SEVERE] freezed:freezed on lib/presentation/player_screen/bloc/player/playback_bloc.dart:
An error `FormatterException` occurred while formatting the generated source for
which was output to
This may indicate an issue in the generator, the input source code, or in the
source formatter.
Could not format because the source could not be parsed:

line 198, column 90 of .: The modifier 'required' should be before the modifier 'final'.
198 │ @override  final String filePath;@override  final Function whenFinished;@override  final required currentSelectedTrackIndex;
    │                                                                                          ^^^^^^^^
line 389, column 149 of .: Can't have modifier 'required' here.
389 │ @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({TResult Function()?  init,TResult Function( String filePath,  Function whenFinished,  required currentSelectedTrackIndex)?  startPlayback,TResult Function()?  pausePlayback,TResult Function()?  resumePlayback,TResult Function()?  stopPlayback,TResult Function()?  playbackEnded,required TResult orElse(),}) {
    │                                                                                                                                                     ^^^^^^^^
line 385, column 161 of .: Can't have modifier 'required' here.
385 │ @optionalTypeArgs TResult when<TResult extends Object?>({required TResult Function()  init,required TResult Function( String filePath,  Function whenFinished,  required currentSelectedTrackIndex)  startPlayback,required TResult Function()  pausePlayback,required TResult Function()  resumePlayback,required TResult Function()  stopPlayback,required TResult Function()  playbackEnded,}) {
    │                                                                                                                                                                 ^^^^^^^^
line 245, column 108 of .: The modifier 'required' was already specified.
245 │   const factory _StartPlaybackEvent({required  String filePath, required  Function whenFinished, required  required currentSelectedTrackIndex}) = _$_StartPlaybackEvent;
    │                                                                                                            ^^^^^^^^
line 553, column 149 of .: Can't have modifier 'required' here.
553 │ @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({TResult Function()?  init,TResult Function( String filePath,  Function whenFinished,  required currentSelectedTrackIndex)?  startPlayback,TResult Function()?  pausePlayback,TResult Function()?  resumePlayback,TResult Function()?  stopPlayback,TResult Function()?  playbackEnded,required TResult orElse(),}) {
    │                                                                                                                                                     ^^^^^^^^
line 549, column 161 of .: Can't have modifier 'required' here.
549 │ @optionalTypeArgs TResult when<TResult extends Object?>({required TResult Function()  init,required TResult Function( String filePath,  Function whenFinished,  required currentSelectedTrackIndex)  startPlayback,required TResult Function()  pausePlayback,required TResult Function()  resumePlayback,required TResult Function()  stopPlayback,required TResult Function()  playbackEnded,}) {
    │                                                                                                                                                                 ^^^^^^^^
line 128, column 149 of .: Can't have modifier 'required' here.
128 │ @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({TResult Function()?  init,TResult Function( String filePath,  Function whenFinished,  required currentSelectedTrackIndex)?  startPlayback,TResult Function()?  pausePlayback,TResult Function()?  resumePlayback,TResult Function()?  stopPlayback,TResult Function()?  playbackEnded,required TResult orElse(),}) {
    │                                                                                                                                                     ^^^^^^^^
line 219, column 161 of .: Can't have modifier 'required' here.
219 │ @optionalTypeArgs TResult when<TResult extends Object?>({required TResult Function()  init,required TResult Function( String filePath,  Function whenFinished,  required currentSelectedTrackIndex)  startPlayback,required TResult Function()  pausePlayback,required TResult Function()  resumePlayback,required TResult Function()  stopPlayback,required TResult Function()  playbackEnded,}) {
    │                                                                                                                                                                 ^^^^^^^^
line 22, column 106 of .: The modifier 'required' was already specified.
22 │ _StartPlaybackEvent startPlayback({required  String filePath, required  Function whenFinished, required  required currentSelectedTrackIndex}) {
   │                                                                                                          ^^^^^^^^
line 49, column 149 of .: Can't have modifier 'required' here.
49 │ @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({TResult Function()?  init,TResult Function( String filePath,  Function whenFinished,  required currentSelectedTrackIndex)?  startPlayback,TResult Function()?  pausePlayback,TResult Function()?  resumePlayback,TResult Function()?  stopPlayback,TResult Function()?  playbackEnded,required TResult orElse(),}) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
   │                                                                                                                                                     ^^^^^^^^
(9 more errors...)
[INFO] 28.2s elapsed, 28/43 actions completed.
[INFO] 29.2s elapsed, 36/49 actions completed.
[INFO] 30.4s elapsed, 38/49 actions completed.
[INFO] 31.5s elapsed, 71/76 actions completed.
[INFO] Running build completed, took 31.5s

[INFO] Caching finalized dependency graph...
[INFO] Caching finalized dependency graph completed, took 98ms

[SEVERE] Failed after 31.6s
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] Starting Build

[INFO] Updating asset graph...
[INFO] Updating asset graph completed, took 19ms

[INFO] Running build...
[SEVERE] freezed:freezed on lib/presentation/player_screen/bloc/player/playback_bloc.dart:
An error `FormatterException` occurred while formatting the generated source for
which was output to
This may indicate an issue in the generator, the input source code, or in the
source formatter.
Could not format because the source could not be parsed:

line 198, column 90 of .: The modifier 'required' should be before the modifier 'final'.
198 │ @override  final String filePath;@override  final Function whenFinished;@override  final required currentSelectedTrackIndex;
    │                                                                                          ^^^^^^^^
line 389, column 149 of .: Can't have modifier 'required' here.
389 │ @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({TResult Function()?  init,TResult Function( String filePath,  Function whenFinished,  required currentSelectedTrackIndex)?  startPlayback,TResult Function()?  pausePlayback,TResult Function()?  resumePlayback,TResult Function()?  stopPlayback,TResult Function()?  playbackEnded,required TResult orElse(),}) {
    │                                                                                                                                                     ^^^^^^^^
line 385, column 161 of .: Can't have modifier 'required' here.
385 │ @optionalTypeArgs TResult when<TResult extends Object?>({required TResult Function()  init,required TResult Function( String filePath,  Function whenFinished,  required currentSelectedTrackIndex)  startPlayback,required TResult Function()  pausePlayback,required TResult Function()  resumePlayback,required TResult Function()  stopPlayback,required TResult Function()  playbackEnded,}) {
    │                                                                                                                                                                 ^^^^^^^^
line 245, column 108 of .: The modifier 'required' was already specified.
245 │   const factory _StartPlaybackEvent({required  String filePath, required  Function whenFinished, required  required currentSelectedTrackIndex}) = _$_StartPlaybackEvent;
    │                                                                                                            ^^^^^^^^
line 553, column 149 of .: Can't have modifier 'required' here.
553 │ @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({TResult Function()?  init,TResult Function( String filePath,  Function whenFinished,  required currentSelectedTrackIndex)?  startPlayback,TResult Function()?  pausePlayback,TResult Function()?  resumePlayback,TResult Function()?  stopPlayback,TResult Function()?  playbackEnded,required TResult orElse(),}) {
    │                                                                                                                                                     ^^^^^^^^
line 549, column 161 of .: Can't have modifier 'required' here.
549 │ @optionalTypeArgs TResult when<TResult extends Object?>({required TResult Function()  init,required TResult Function( String filePath,  Function whenFinished,  required currentSelectedTrackIndex)  startPlayback,required TResult Function()  pausePlayback,required TResult Function()  resumePlayback,required TResult Function()  stopPlayback,required TResult Function()  playbackEnded,}) {
    │                                                                                                                                                                 ^^^^^^^^
line 128, column 149 of .: Can't have modifier 'required' here.
128 │ @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({TResult Function()?  init,TResult Function( String filePath,  Function whenFinished,  required currentSelectedTrackIndex)?  startPlayback,TResult Function()?  pausePlayback,TResult Function()?  resumePlayback,TResult Function()?  stopPlayback,TResult Function()?  playbackEnded,required TResult orElse(),}) {
    │                                                                                                                                                     ^^^^^^^^
line 219, column 161 of .: Can't have modifier 'required' here.
219 │ @optionalTypeArgs TResult when<TResult extends Object?>({required TResult Function()  init,required TResult Function( String filePath,  Function whenFinished,  required currentSelectedTrackIndex)  startPlayback,required TResult Function()  pausePlayback,required TResult Function()  resumePlayback,required TResult Function()  stopPlayback,required TResult Function()  playbackEnded,}) {
    │                                                                                                                                                                 ^^^^^^^^
line 22, column 106 of .: The modifier 'required' was already specified.
22 │ _StartPlaybackEvent startPlayback({required  String filePath, required  Function whenFinished, required  required currentSelectedTrackIndex}) {
   │                                                                                                          ^^^^^^^^
line 49, column 149 of .: Can't have modifier 'required' here.
49 │ @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({TResult Function()?  init,TResult Function( String filePath,  Function whenFinished,  required currentSelectedTrackIndex)?  startPlayback,TResult Function()?  pausePlayback,TResult Function()?  resumePlayback,TResult Function()?  stopPlayback,TResult Function()?  playbackEnded,required TResult orElse(),}) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
   │                                                                                                                                                     ^^^^^^^^
(9 more errors...)
[INFO] Running build completed, took 968ms

[INFO] Caching finalized dependency graph...
[INFO] Caching finalized dependency graph completed, took 36ms

[SEVERE] Failed after 1.0s

Haidar0096 avatar Aug 31 '21 19:08 Haidar0096

This may indicate an issue in the generator, the input source code, or in the source formatter. Could not format because the source could not be parsed:

comes from source_gen

line 198, column 90 of .: The modifier 'required' should be before the modifier 'final'.

comes from analyzer

Better error messages in this case would be awesome, but I think this improvement has to happen in the analyzer package.

SunlightBro avatar Sep 01 '21 08:09 SunlightBro

This looks like a bug in Freezed. It shouldn't cause a problem Although it's minor.

rrousselGit avatar Oct 08 '21 22:10 rrousselGit