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Source generator that automatically transforms fields into BindableProperties that can be used in MAUI

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Source generator that automatically transforms fields into BindableProperties that can be used in MAUI.
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First, install NuGet. Then, install M.BindableProperty.Generator from the package manager console:

PM> Install-Package M.BindableProperty.Generator

Usage - Simple implementation

Just decorate the field with the Bindable attribute.

    using Maui.BindableProperty.Generator.Core;

    public partial class HeaderControl : ContentView
        private readonly string _placeholder;

the prevoius code will generate this:

    public partial class HeaderControl
        public static readonly Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty PlaceholderProperty =
                                                                defaultValue: default(string),
                                                                propertyChanged: __PlaceholderChanged,
                                                                propertyChanging: __PlaceholderChanging);

        public string Placeholder
            get => (string)GetValue(PlaceholderProperty);
            set => SetValue(PlaceholderProperty, value);

        private static void __PlaceholderChanged(Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
            var ctrl = (HeaderControl)bindable;

        partial void OnPlaceholderChanged(string value);

        private static void __PlaceholderChanging(Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
            var ctrl = (HeaderControl)bindable;

        partial void OnPlaceholderChanging(string value);


Option Description Type
PropertyName Specifies the prefix used to create the BindableProperty, if PropertyName is null, then will take the name of the field removing the underscores and using PascalCase. Example: _tex_t will be transformed to Text. string
OnChanged Specifies the name of the method to be executed when the property changes, if not specified, will generate a partial method that will be notified when the property changed. string
OnChanging Specifies the name of the method to be executed when the property is changing, if not specified, will generate a partial method that will be notified when the property is changing. string
DefaultValue Specifies the "text/value" that will be used as default. Example: default(string) string
DefaultBindingMode Specifies the "BindingMode" as string that will be used as default. Options: Default/TwoWay/OneWay/OneWayToSource/OneTime. Example: nameof(BindingMode.TwoWay) string
HidesUnderlyingProperty Specifies if the BindingProperty will hide the current implementation. bool
ValidateValue Specifies the name of the method to be executed to validate the values. string
PropertyAccessibility Specifies the property accessibility, if no parameter is specified, what is defined in the class will be used, Options: Private/ProtectedAndInternal/Protected/Internal/ProtectedOrInternal/Public. Example: BindablePropertyAccessibility.ProtectedOrInternal BindablePropertyAccessibility

Usage - PropertyName

Just decorate the field with the Bindable attribute.

    using Maui.BindableProperty.Generator.Core;

    public partial class HeaderControl : ContentView
        [AutoBindable(PropertyName = "LastName")]
        private readonly? string _l;

the prevoius code will generate this:

    public partial class HeaderControl
        public static readonly Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty LastNameProperty =
                                                                defaultValue: default(string?),
                                                                propertyChanged: __LastNameChanged,
                                                                propertyChanging: __LastNameChanging);

        public string? LastName
            get => (string?)GetValue(LastNameProperty);
            set => SetValue(LastNameProperty, value);


Usage - OnChanged

Example 1 - No Parameters

Just decorate the field with the Bindable attribute.

    using Maui.BindableProperty.Generator.Core;

    public partial class HeaderControl : ContentView
        [AutoBindable(OnChanged = nameof(UpdateDisplayName))]
        private readonly string _firstName;

        private void UpdateDisplayName()
            // Do stuff here

the prevoius code will generate this:

    public partial class HeaderControl
        public static readonly Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty FirstNameProperty =
                                                                defaultValue: default(string),
                                                                propertyChanged: __FirstNameChanged,
                                                                propertyChanging: __FirstNameChanging);

        public string FirstName
            get => (string)GetValue(FirstNameProperty);
            set => SetValue(FirstNameProperty, value);

        private static void __FirstNameChanged(Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
            var ctrl = (HeaderControl)bindable;


Example 2 - One Parameter

Just decorate the field with the Bindable attribute. The 'UpdateDisplayName' method must have only one parameter (must match the type of the field)

    using Maui.BindableProperty.Generator.Core;

    public partial class HeaderControl : ContentView
        [AutoBindable(OnChanged = nameof(UpdateDisplayName))]
        private readonly string _firstName;

        private void UpdateDisplayName(string newValue)
            // Do stuff here

the prevoius code will generate this:

    public partial class HeaderControl
        public static readonly Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty FirstNameProperty =
                                                                defaultValue: default(string),
                                                                propertyChanged: __FirstNameChanged,
                                                                propertyChanging: __FirstNameChanging);

        public string FirstName
            get => (string)GetValue(FirstNameProperty);
            set => SetValue(FirstNameProperty, value);

        private static void __FirstNameChanged(Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
            var ctrl = (HeaderControl)bindable;


Example 3 - Two Parameters

Just decorate the field with the Bindable attribute. The 'UpdateDisplayName' method must have two parameters (must match the type of the field)

    using Maui.BindableProperty.Generator.Core;

    public partial class HeaderControl : ContentView
        [AutoBindable(OnChanged = nameof(UpdateDisplayName))]
        private readonly string _firstName;

        private void UpdateDisplayName(string oldValue, string newValue)
            // Do stuff here

the prevoius code will generate this:

    public partial class HeaderControl
        public static readonly Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty FirstNameProperty =
                                                                defaultValue: default(string),
                                                                propertyChanged: __FirstNameChanged,
                                                                propertyChanging: __FirstNameChanging);

        public string FirstName
            get => (string)GetValue(FirstNameProperty);
            set => SetValue(FirstNameProperty, value);

        private static void __FirstNameChanged(Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
            var ctrl = (HeaderControl)bindable;
            ctrl.UpdateDisplayName((string)oldValue, (string)newValue);


Example 4 - Partial method

Just decorate the field with the Bindable attribute and by default will generated a partial method

    using Maui.BindableProperty.Generator.Core;

    public partial class HeaderControl : ContentView
        private readonly string _firstName;

        partial void OnFirstNameChanged(string value)
            // Do stuff here

the prevoius code will generate this:

    public partial class HeaderControl
        public static readonly Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty FirstNameProperty =
                                                                defaultValue: default(string),
                                                                propertyChanged: __FirstNameChanged,
                                                                propertyChanging: __FirstNameChanging);

        public string FirstName
            get => (string)GetValue(FirstNameProperty);
            set => SetValue(FirstNameProperty, value);

        private static void __FirstNameChanged(Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
            var ctrl = (HeaderControl)bindable;

        partial void OnFirstNameChanged(string value);


Usage - OnChanging

Example 1

Just decorate the field with the Bindable attribute.

    using Maui.BindableProperty.Generator.Core;

    public partial class HeaderControl : ContentView
        [AutoBindable(OnChanging = nameof(UpdateDisplayNameBeforeChange))]
        private readonly string _firstName = string.Empty;

        private void UpdateDisplayNameBeforeChange()
            // Do stuff here

the prevoius code will generate this:

    public partial class HeaderControl
        public static readonly Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty FirstNameProperty =
                                                                defaultValue: default(string),
                                                                propertyChanged: __FirstNameChanged,
                                                                propertyChanging: __FirstNameChanging);

        public string FirstName
            get => (string)GetValue(FirstNameProperty);
            set => SetValue(FirstNameProperty, value);


        private static void __FirstNameChanging(Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
            var ctrl = (HeaderControl)bindable;


Example 2 - Partial method

Just decorate the field with the Bindable attribute.

    using Maui.BindableProperty.Generator.Core;

    public partial class HeaderControl : ContentView
        private readonly string _firstName = string.Empty;

        partial void OnFirstNameChanging(string value)
            // Do stuff here

the prevoius code will generate this:

    public partial class HeaderControl
        public static readonly Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty FirstNameProperty =
                                                                defaultValue: default(string),
                                                                propertyChanged: __FirstNameChanged,
                                                                propertyChanging: __FirstNameChanging);

        public string FirstName
            get => (string)GetValue(FirstNameProperty);
            set => SetValue(FirstNameProperty, value);

        private static void __FirstNameChanging(Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
            var ctrl = (HeaderControl)bindable;

        partial void OnFirstNameChanging(string value);


Usage - DefaultValue

Example 1 - DateTime

Just decorate the field with the Bindable attribute and add the "text/value" that you want to use as default value.

    using Maui.BindableProperty.Generator.Core;

    public partial class HeaderControl : ContentView
        [AutoBindable(DefaultValue = "DateTime.Now")]
        private readonly DateTime _birthDate;

the prevoius code will generate this:

    public partial class HeaderControl
        public static readonly Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty BirthDateProperty =
                                                                defaultValue: DateTime.Now,
                                                                propertyChanged: __BirthDateChanged,
                                                                propertyChanging: __BirthDateChanging);

        public System.DateTime BirthDate
            get => (System.DateTime)GetValue(BirthDateProperty);
            set => SetValue(BirthDateProperty, value);

Example 2 - String

Just decorate the field with the Bindable attribute and add the "text/value" that you want to use as default value.

    using Maui.BindableProperty.Generator.Core;

    public partial class HeaderControl : ContentView
        [AutoBindable(DefaultValue = "USA")]
        private readonly string _country;

the prevoius code will generate this:

    public partial class HeaderControl
        public static readonly Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty CountryProperty =
                                                                defaultValue: "USA",
                                                                propertyChanged: __CountryChanged,
                                                                propertyChanging: __CountryChanging);

        public string Country
            get => (string)GetValue(CountryProperty);
            set => SetValue(CountryProperty, value);


Usage - DefaultBindingMode

Just decorate the field with the Bindable attribute and add the "BindingMode" that you want to use as default value.

    using Maui.BindableProperty.Generator.Core;

    public partial class HeaderControl : ContentView
        [AutoBindable(DefaultBindingMode = nameof(BindingMode.TwoWay))]
        private readonly string _firstName;

the prevoius code will generate this:

    public partial class HeaderControl
        public static readonly Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty FirstNameProperty =
                                                                defaultValue: default(string),
                                                                propertyChanged: __FirstNameChanged,
                                                                propertyChanging: __FirstNameChanging,
                                                                defaultBindingMode: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindingMode.TwoWay);

        public string FirstName
            get => (string)GetValue(FirstNameProperty);
            set => SetValue(FirstNameProperty, value);


Usage - HidesUnderlyingProperty

Just decorate the field with the Bindable attribute and set "HidesUnderlyingProperty = true".

    using Maui.BindableProperty.Generator.Core;

    public partial class HeaderControl : ContentView
        [AutoBindable(HidesUnderlyingProperty = true, DefaultValue = "Color.FromArgb(\"#cc3340\")")]
        private readonly Color? _backgroundColor;

the prevoius code will generate this:

    public partial class HeaderControl
        public static new readonly Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty BackgroundColorProperty =
                                                                defaultValue: Color.FromArgb("#cc3340"),
                                                                propertyChanged: __BackgroundColorChanged,
                                                                propertyChanging: __BackgroundColorChanging);

        public new Color? BackgroundColor
            get => (Color?)GetValue(BackgroundColorProperty);
            set => SetValue(BackgroundColorProperty, value);


Usage - ValidateValue

Example 1 - Non-Static Method

Just decorate the field with the Bindable attribute. The 'ValidateNotNull' method must have two parameters (one of type BindableObject and the second one must be the same as the field)

    using Maui.BindableProperty.Generator.Core;

    public partial class HeaderControl : ContentView
        [AutoBindable(ValidateValue = nameof(ValidateIsNullOrEmpty))]
        private readonly string? _country;

        private bool ValidateIsNullOrEmpty(BindableObject _, string? value)
            // Do stuff here
            return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value);

the prevoius code will generate this:

    public partial class HeaderControl
        public static readonly Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty CountryProperty =
                                                                defaultValue: default(string?),
                                                                propertyChanged: __CountryChanged,
                                                                propertyChanging: __CountryChanging,
                                                                validateValue: __ValidateIsNullOrEmpty);

        public string? Country
            get => (string?)GetValue(CountryProperty);
            set => SetValue(CountryProperty, value);

        private static bool __ValidateIsNullOrEmpty(Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject bindable, object value)
            var ctrl = (HeaderControl)bindable;
            return ctrl.ValidateIsNullOrEmpty(ctrl, (string?)value);


Example 2 - Static Method

Just decorate the field with the Bindable attribute. The 'ValidateNotNull' method must have two parameters (one of type BindableObject and the second one must be object type)

    using Maui.BindableProperty.Generator.Core;

    public partial class HeaderControl : ContentView
        [AutoBindable(ValidateValue = nameof(ValidateNotNull))]
        private readonly string? _zipCode;

        private static bool ValidateNotNull(BindableObject _, object value) => value != null;

the prevoius code will generate this:

    public partial class HeaderControl
        public static readonly Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty ZipCodeProperty =
                                                                defaultValue: default(string?),
                                                                propertyChanged: __ZipCodeChanged,
                                                                propertyChanging: __ZipCodeChanging,
                                                                validateValue: ValidateNotNull);

        public string? ZipCode
            get => (string?)GetValue(ZipCodeProperty);
            set => SetValue(ZipCodeProperty, value);

Usage - PropertyAccessibility

Just decorate the field with the Bindable attribute and set "PropertyAccessibility = Private/ProtectedAndInternal/Protected/Internal/ProtectedOrInternal/Public".

    using Maui.BindableProperty.Generator.Core;

    public partial class HeaderControl : ContentView
        [AutoBindable(PropertyAccessibility = BindablePropertyAccessibility.ProtectedOrInternal)]
        private readonly string? _age;

the prevoius code will generate this:

    public partial class HeaderControl
        protected internal static readonly Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty AgeProperty =
                                                                defaultValue: default(string?),
                                                                propertyChanged: __AgeChanged,
                                                                propertyChanging: __AgeChanging);

        protected internal string? Age
            get => (string?)GetValue(AgeProperty);
            set => SetValue(AgeProperty, value);


Do you want to remove the compiler warning CS0169 ?

    using Maui.BindableProperty.Generator.Core;

    public partial class HeaderControl : ContentView
        #pragma warning disable CS0169

        private readonly string? _country;

        #pragma warning restore CS0169

Project status

  • PropertyName - Done
  • OnChanged - Done
  • OnChanging - Done
  • DefaultValue - Done
  • DefaultBindingMode - Done
  • HidesUnderlyingProperty - Done
  • ValidateValue - Done
  • PropertyAccessibility - Done
  • 🔳 Allow nested class - In Progress
  • 🔳 Add Attributes Property - Pending

Extra info

This repo is using part of the code of CodeWriter to generate the CSharp files, thanks to the author.