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[Flutter SDK V.2] - Youtube Video is a Flutter application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation like Clean Architecture, Modularization, Dependen...
Resources 🔥
Modularization Structure 🔥
# Root Project
├── domains # Name of directory
| ├── domain A # Domains module with a data and domains layer inside it.
| ├── domain B
| └── domain etc
├── features # Name of directory
| ├── feature A # Feature module with a presentation/ui/feature layer inside it.
| ├── feature B
| └── feature etc
├── lib # Name of module (default from Flutter)
└── resources # Name of directory
| └── resources # Handle resources like assets, fonts, constant value, etc.
└── shared_libraries # Name of directory
├── common # Handle common utility class.
├── component # Handle custom widget.
├── core # Core module.
└── dependencies # Handle dependency version updates.
Clean Architecture Flow (Feature Module) 🔥
Built With 🛠
- Modularization - Separate functionality into independent, interchangeable modules.
- Clean Architecture - The blueprint for a modular system, which strictly follows the design principle called separation of concerns.
- Dependency Injection (get_it) - Simple direct Service Locator that allows to decouple the interface from a concrete implementation and to access the concrete implementation from everywhere in your App.
- State Management (BLoC) - Business logic component to separate the business logic with UI.
- Dio - A type-safe HTTP client.
- Melos - A tool for managing Dart & Flutter repositories with multiple packages (monorepo).
Requirements 🛠
- Flutter SDK Version: 2.10.0
- Dart SDK Version: 2.16.0
Step By Step Run This Project
- Clone this project
- Install Melos.
- Running melos bootstrap from your terminal.
- Enjoy
- R Rifa Fauzi Komara
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