graphql-cli-codegen copied to clipboard
apollo-codegen plugin for graphql-cli
the command "graphql codegen" produces following error: **"Please specify the 'generator' of codegen extension in your .graphqlconfig"** The .graphqlconfig is as below: ``` { "projects": { "prisma": { "schemaPath": "src/generated/my.graphql",...
``` > graphql codegen --target ts-modern bin.js codegen [--target] [--output] Generates apollo-codegen code/annotations from your .graphqlconfig Options: --dotenv Path to .env file [string] -p, --project Project name [string] -h, --help...
Running graphql codegen is throwing a json error. The example .graphqconfig doesnt validate either. Click: [jsonlint]({%22schemaPath%22:%20%22schema.graphqls%22,%22includes%22:%20[%22src/**/*.graphql%22,%22src/**/*.gql%22,],%22extensions%22:%20{%22codegen%22:%20{%22target%22:%20%22flow%22,%22output%22:%20%22src/graphql-annotations.js%22}}}) to run validation. Output is: ``` Error: Parse error on line 3: ...l", "src/**/*.gql",...
Updated dependencies to use the latest apollo-codegen. Removed the `getSchema` and `writeSchema` implementations and the hard-coded `'/tmp/gql-schema.json` location. Instead rely on apollo-codegen generate to resolve the schema from config file....
When I run `graphql codegen`, I only get the error ``` Reduce of empty array with no initial value ``` Adding an empty array as the initial value here fixes...