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Harmony-based Unity Editor QOL

Results 12 RATS issues
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For compatibility with other animator tweaks that want to use the bottom bar.

It's possible to pop out the parameter window, and this breaks certain things. Ex. when deleting a parameter: ![image](https://github.com/rrazgriz/RATS/assets/47901762/fe008d31-2deb-4bf7-afd1-d7b9d3f57cb8) Thanks to @jetees for reporting this.


The UI breaks when in Android (Quest) build mode. Not sure if it is related but I saw the following warning in the console: `[RATS v1.1.2] 0Harmony.dll not found -...


[UdonSharp](https://github.com/vrchat-community/UdonSharp/blob/master/Packages/com.vrchat.UdonSharp/Runtime/Plugins/0Harmony.dll) contains the 0harmony.dll in its folder by default `Assets/UdonSharp/Runtime/Plugins/0Harmony.dll`. While I do think this is bad practice as it is a shared library, the readme / documentation could reflect...


Its maybe not a very common thing to do, but I sometimes end up refactoring some thing on my avatar and need to convert some parameter from a float to...


I am looking to change refence path for many animations. When multi-selecting the animations it only does the first blend shape keys reference path but not for other animations. ![image](https://github.com/rrazgriz/RATS/assets/58948489/a173dadb-ccea-457c-b5f3-ddc05f12a584)


To copy and paste transition settings would be super nice!

Blendtrees made in the animator cannot be utilized outside the source animator unless copy pasted. That's painful because changes will not propagate. An option to export the selected blendtree as...


Here's the same image as the readme has for comparison. Installed Harmony and RATS via VCC. ![2023-04-16-00-45-12](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/103973703/232281917-eeee25fe-b5db-4399-ae53-fee9479f7afd.png)


This can cause issues with other scripts that generate states with AddState. Let's patch internal functions so this doesn't happen. Thanks @dreadrith for the help pointing this out and some...
