i would highly appreciate this too to solve the inconsistency i have between mouseless and karabiner as i have space when held as a meta key and when i do...
Hey, no problem I love your plugin. Yeah so either provide a command to resize to longest line (ill just call it center) or even better if you could create...
I would love the automatic resizing you suggested if that's possible that's pretty much a perfect solution but even centering on BufEnter would be cool with me :-)
another thing i might add is that the arbitrary extra 8 width i'm adding to the result of the `wc` command is due to this plugin including the margin in...
update: hey, i kind of found my own solution by modifying my script, i have also made it cross platform by using the ```wc``` command via https://github.com/uutils/coreutils crate. ``` DOCUMENT_WIDTH...
beautiful, centered, painless
huge update! figured out how to auto center i have found a way to repurpose my original center function to save a temporary file and center against that while editing,...