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Proxy A-Distance algorithm for measuring domain disparity in parallel corpora

Proxy A-Distance

This is an implementation of an algorithm discussed in Ganin et. al (2015), Glorot et. al (2011), and Ben-David et. al (2007). It has been adapted for use with machine translation datasets, and released to the public under the MIT license.

This algorithm computes the Proxy A-Distance (PAD) between two domain distributions. PAD is a measure of similarity between datasets from different domains (e.g. newspapers and talk shows). Intuitively, similar domains => bigger error => smaller PAD. Dissimilar domains => smaller error => bigger PAD. The MAE error metric for binary classification between domains will bound PAD in the range [0, 2].

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Mix the two datasets. Apply label that indicate each example's origin.
  2. Train a classifier on these merged data.
  3. Measure the classifier's error e on a held-out test set.
  4. Set PAD = 2 (1 − 2e)

We use a linear bag-of-words SVM for the underlying classifier.


  • numpy: pip install numpy
  • sklearn: pip install sklearn


python [corpusfile 1] [corpusfile 2] [vocab file]
  • corpusfile 1 is a text file with one sentence per line.
  • corpusfile 2 is another text file with one sentence per line.
  • vocab is a text file with one token per line. These tokens represent a shared vocabulary for the above corpusfiles.


python test_data/europarl.en test_data/ test_data/opensubtitles.en test_data/ test_data/vocab