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An environment-based configuration library.
The environmentally friendly configuration tool.
Set up environment-specific configuration for your Clojure application, using the popular YAML file format.
Access config values:
Specifying config values:
(config/value :my :config :value)
This will access the value in
dev: my: config: value: 2 ... test: my: config: value: 3
Another example:
dev: smiles: - mary: "8-)" fred: ":-|" - mary: "*_*" fred: "-__-"
Access using:
(config/value :smiles 0 :mary) => "8-)" (config/value :smiles 1 :fred) => "-__-"
Specifying config values as optional:
(config/value| :my :config :value) ; same as config/value except that because it is optional it doesn’t warn when not found (config/value| [:my :config :value] "alternate value") ; provide alternate value
Optionally auto-load config file.
- using the default filename of "configure.yml" enables autoload
- any other config file name can be specified by calling load-config
Bind the environment within a calling context using with-env.
(config/with-env env (when (config/value :some :setting) ... ))
Specify the default environment using the MILIEU_ENV system variable.
Override environment-specific settings using arguments to your command-line application.
(config/commandline-overrides! args) (config/with-env env ... )
In cases where the environment can be variable, code evaluation can by restricted in with-env or only-env, or more generally conditional using if-env and when-env.
;; If env is prod, the code in the body will not be exercised, ;; an exception is thrown instead: (defn -main [env & args] (config/with-env [env :only [:test :dev]] ,,,))
Alternatively (for example if you aren't in the context of a with-env)...
;; If env is prod, the code in the body will not be exercised, ;; an exception is thrown instead: (config/only-env [:test :dev] ,,,)
The following forms are general purpose conditionals (not assertions of environment restrictions).
(config/if-env :test "hello" "goodbye")
(config/when-env :dev ,,,)
Warning when non-optional config setting is not found (you can disable this warning by setting system environment variable MILIEU_QUIET).
Getting Started
(ns example.core
(:require [milieu.config :as config]))
(defn -main [env & args]
(config/commandline-overrides! args)
(config/with-env env
(when (config/value| :some :setting) ,,,
Command-line Override
$ myprogram prod --fou.barre Fred --some.setting
$ myprogram dev --smiles.1.mary ":D"
Author: Robert Levy / @rplevy
Acknowledgments: @alanpeabody, @S11001001, @AlexBaranosky, @khdegraaf
Copyright © 2012 Draker Labs
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.