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forge.lic failing to craft weapon recipe 'a spiked ball and chain'
There seems to be an issue with crafting the weapon recipe 'a spiked ball and chain' with forge
here's the snippet where it fails: The ball and chain now appears ready for grinding and polishing on a grinding wheel. Roundtime: 32 sec.
You need another finished wooden haft to continue crafting an unfinished spiked steel ball and chain. You believe you can assemble the two ingredients together once you acquire them.
[Ingredients can be added by using ASSEMBLE Ingredient1 WITH Ingredient2]
[forge]>get ball from anvil You get an unfinished spiked steel ball and chain from atop an iron anvil.
MISSING ball, Please find it and restart.
so I tried this little script: x = 'ball' echo DRCI.in_right_hand?(x) echo DRC.left_hand echo DRC.right_hand
--- Lich: test active. [test: ] [test: oak haft] [test: spiked chain] --- Lich: test has exited.
tap my chain
I could not find what you were referring to.
tap my ball You tap an unfinished spiked steel ball and chain that you are holding.
Lich seems to think that the item is a spiked chain, but it's a spiked ball and chain.
This is a known issue. The game reports it as a "ball and chain" but it's a "ball"
I've linked an open lich PR which resolves this issue.
This is a known issue. The game reports it as a "ball and chain" but it's a "ball"
I've linked an open lich PR which resolves this issue.
@MahtraDR The PR doesn't seem to fix the issue for me. I believe I made the proper change and I'm still seeing the issue. Details below.
I made the following change to my lich.rbw:
def initialize(id, noun, name, before=nil, after=nil)
@id = id
@noun = noun
@noun = 'lapis' if @noun == 'lapis lazuli'
@noun = 'hammer' if @noun == "Hammer of Kai"
@noun = 'ball' if @noun == "ball and chain" # DR item 'ball and chain' doesn't work.
@noun = 'mother-of-pearl' if (@noun == 'pearl') and (@name =~ /mother\-of\-pearl/)
@name = name
@before_name = before
@after_name = after
But I am still seeing the following error when forging:
The ball and chain now appears ready for grinding and polishing on a grinding wheel. Roundtime: 25 sec.
You need another finished wooden haft to continue crafting an unfinished double-sided steel ball and chain. You believe you can assemble the two ingredients together once you acquire them.
[Ingredients can be added by using ASSEMBLE Ingredient1 WITH Ingredient2]
[forge]>get ball from anvil You get an unfinished double-sided steel ball and chain from atop an iron anvil.
MISSING ball, Please find it and restart.
tap my ball You tap an unfinished double-sided steel ball and chain that you are holding. ;test2 --- Lich: test2 active. [test2: ] [test2: ] [test2: double-sided chain] --- Lich: test2 has exited. tap my ball and chain I could not find what you were referring to.