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enchant.lic missing messaging
When done enchanting a gweth script doesn't end.
[enchant]>wave imbuement rod at gweth on brazier
The spell is channeled through the fount hanging above, and down into the gwethdesuan. Not a single stream avoids your cautious analysis as you conduct them into arrangements. Roundtime: 8 sec. You collect the gwethdesuan and place it at your feet. You collect the fount and place it at your feet.
[enchant]>put my imbuement rod in my duffel bag
You put your rod in your duffel bag.
[enchant]>get my burin
You get a fey-bone burin wrapped within a lattice of steelsilk knotwork from inside your duffel bag.
[enchant]>scribe gweth on brazier with my burin
Scribe what?
[enchant: *** No match was found after 15 seconds, dumping info]
[enchant: messages seen length: 13]
[enchant: checked against [/Roundtime/i]]
[enchant: for command scribe gweth on brazier with my burin]
[enchant]>scribe gweth on brazier with my burin
Scribe what?