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Rails plugin: provides a convenient way to deal with lookup tables and drop downs menus.
h1. ActsAsLookup
This plugin provides an easy way to deal with lookup tables and drop down menus.
h2. The Why
Personally, I often find it a hassle to deal with drop down menus (i.e. select). For whatever reason, I don't always remember the syntax, so I have to stop and verify that I've got it right. Then there's the issue of adding the "default" nil option when the lookup isn't required. Blah.
A recurring pattern that I always seem to do goes something like this:
[['--', nil]] + Model.all.collect { |m| [,] }
That's ugly to be sitting right inline with the other options. And since it's something I always do, it was worth refactoring into a way that I can reuse this madness. So that's why.
h2. The How
You can install this as a Rails plugin. Navigate to your project root and type:
git clone git:// vendor/plugins/acts_as_lookup
Then you'll be able to tell your models to start acting like a lookup table.
h2. The "Let me see an example or two"
For the following examples, we'll use a @Category@ model to illustrate how this works. Plus, categories are a prime example of a need for a lookup table. Here's how you'd set it up, in its most basic form:
class Category
And here's how it works.
h3. Example 1: Using the standard select field
Here's how you might use this in a typical form, where a Product has a Category.
Product Title:
Choose Category:
The @#options_for_select@ method will provide options similar to the following (of course dependent on what's actually in the Category table):
h3. Example 2: Using a fancy smancy helper
Another option for automatically generating the drop down is by using the @lookup_for@ helper, provided by this plugin. It works like this:
The first parameter is the object with which this lookup gets associated, and the second is the foreign key for the association. One thing to note, though: the foreign key must follow the traditional Rails convention for foreign keys. Meaning, for a Category, you'd have category_id; for a Task, you'd have task_id; and so on. The reason is because the plugin uses that foreign key to get at the Model in which it represents. But since that's pretty standard to most Rails developers, I don't think it bears too much constraint :-)
And of course, you can also use this helper alongside of your other FormBuilder helpers (read: you can do @f.lookup_for...@):
h3. Example 3: Customization
If you've read this far, you may be asking "what if I don't want '--' as my default option?" or "what if I don't want every category to show up?" or "what if I have a category order, other than alphabetical?". No problem.
h4. Changing the default text
class Category "- Choose Category -" end
And if you don't want a default @nil@ option at all, just set the @:default_text@ to @:first@ (meaning the first item in the options list):
class Category :first end
h4. Limiting the options
# only show categories from within the last 4 months class Category ["created_at > ?", 4.months.ago] end
h4. Displaying a different order
By default, the plugin will order your options alphabetically. But you can change that, too:
class Category 'category_order ASC'
And of course, you could pass all options at once. I've just shown them separately to focus on each point. Enjoy.
h4. Multiple Fields
Let's say you have 'first_name' and 'last_name' columns in your users table. You may want to display the full name in the selection box. Well, if you pass an array to the @acts_as_lookup@ helper, it will automatically construct the selection text. It also validates that each of the attrs exist, so make sure they do :-)
class Categoryh2. License
Copyright (c) 2008 Ryan Heath, released under the MIT license