I am looking at a similar discrepancy with loading models generated from Digits. Alexnet, VGG16 and Googlenet models are loaded in using the same modification to deploy.prototext, but when DeepDetect...
"Most discrepancies may come from wrongly scaled or preprocessed inputs (bgr vs rgb or PIL as above). " Would there be a way to incorporate some flags to allow some...
I have tested with the classification code already. The results there are consistent with what I get from digits. I will try adding the line provided as indicated. I can...
Adding that line into the MemoryData caused ALL classifications to swing one way only. Still not working. Appreciate the quick response.
Any other suggestions on possibly manipulating the input vis the deploy.prototext or something prior to submitting the image to deepdetect for classification?
I am downloading the yahoo nsfw model and installing the required packages. My original solution was to setup an apache server to handle http requests for classification, but some colleagues...
I will do some debugging this week to see if the problem works similarly to the yahoo problem.
cchadowitz-pf - Do you have an e-mail I can reach you at?
18.10 out, going to check if issue resolved. Confirmed 18.10 still does not display accuracy graphs.
I have already worked with the most recent release of TensorRT and Inference server and found that the linux implementation works, but the inference client does not work in windows...