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Evil support?
I am trying to use todotxt.el from Doom Emacs which uses Emacs evil mode quite extensively. I can of course add the keybinds in Doom config, but do you think having a sane set of keybinds in this package itself is better?
Same here. This would be quite beneficial!
I've stopped using this package myself, and I've never used vi keybindings, so I'm not sure they bindings I would come up with would be useful. As a vim user, if you have a proposal for a set of keybindngs that would make sense, I'll be happy to add them and make them accessible as part of basic setup.
Thanks for the heads-up and for sharing such a useful package, @rpdillon. If you're not using it yourself, chances are that it will eventually get diminishing attention, quite understandably. Have you considered adding a co-maintainer or even handing it off? (+ placing a banner in the readme)