Ryan Delaney

Results 126 comments of Ryan Delaney

Hahaha. Holy crap. You don't get any performance issues or anything with that? When you type `env` does your terminal explode? It *might* be possible to organize these (relatively) rapidly...

Why days? I could cross-reference that super fast in sqlite. If this is a lot of work for you, stand back! I got this. Still not sure we want to...

Great, that will be super easy to parse. Some of these are kind of giving me lulz though. `'9.PNG' => "NinePatchDrawable Image"`, really? But I'll probably only include those that...

Also, would it be a goal to automate the scraping / categorization? That seems horrendously over-engineered but people _will_ be updating the list on Wikipedia ... edit: a script to...

Heh. Maybe some kind of shell extension could delegate highlighting to a subprocess. Zsh might be able to do that with a plugin, but I use bash. Regardless, even if...

That's cool. Let me look into this and get back to you. Btw, are we concerned about who holds the copyright for the descriptions of the file types at fileinfo.com?...

Kind of small potatoes but if you have imagemagick installed, `identify -list format` is a pretty handy list of graphics extensions with descriptions.

Thank you. I'm vaguely aware of this problem but haven't got around to looking into it. I wonder how many of the duplicates are in the "undefined" section at the...

`vifm` has a utility that helps with this called `vifm-convert-dircolors`: ``` $ vifm-convert-dircolors LS_COLORS > lscolors.vifm Different attributes for extension in different cases: \.pl at /usr/local/bin/vifm-convert-dircolors line 216, line 191....

The ones missing from vifm's list are because the definitions aren't different. They're just repeated. I'll remove those. As for the others: Suggested conflict resolutions: Extension | Groups | Resolution...