sqliteman icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sqliteman copied to clipboard


Sqliteman is powerful GUI tool for doing almost anything with sqlite databases. Without writing any SQL code you can create or open a database and view its structure, create, alter, or drop tables, display and edit records in a table (either all of them or those matching a set of conditions), import data into a table, export data from a table, create, alter, or drop views, display a view, and create or drop indices.

If you want to write SQL code, sqliteman has syntax-aware SQL editor which allows you to create, edit, and execute single SQL statements or SQL scripts. Scripts can be loaded from or saved into a file.

This version was originally forked from pvanek/sqliteman, but has had many bugs fixed and much extra functionality added. This version builds for Linux. It should build on Windows too since I have added a Windows version of the build timestamp, but I do not currently have time to test that. Any volunteer to build on Windows or Mac OS would be welcome.

If you want to see what sqliteman can do and what its GUI looks like without installing it, you can view its comprehensive help pages directly from GitHub using this link: https://rparkins999.github.io/sqliteman/Sqliteman/sqliteman/doc/en/index.html.

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