hey copy the es-data folder worked. now i have all sentences i teached, smarthome dvices etc. also the geolocation works now - i didnt saw that i wrote "graphopper" instead...
when i run the "" with the again now, everything is here. (teached sentences, smart home devices etc)
hey cratoo, hattest du erfolg bzgl. der hermesled anbindung? /roy
> Hi Mario, > > Ja das sollte schon möglich sein. Ich weiß gerade nicht mehr genau ob es einen speziellen Grund gab, warum ich das nicht als Option drin...
it doesnt matter if i set the url to /files/wake..... or nothing. i allways get the state "inactive" and no matter what i do, the client wouldnt reconize the wakeword....
thats my clexi log when i call reload client: ``` Broadcaster event: {"broadcast":{"client":"alexa_chrome_app_v0.24.1","deviceId":"alexa","event":{"state":"active","user":"uid1007"}}} Broadcaster event: {"broadcast":{"client":"alexa_chrome_app_v0.24.1","deviceId":"alexa","event":{"state":"active","user":"uid1007"}}} GPIO-Interface event: {"gpio":{"type":"getAll","msgId":"SEPIA-alexa-2","buttons":[],"leds":[],"items":[{"id":"led-array","file":"rpi-respeaker-mic-hat-leds"}]}} GPIO-Interface event: {"gpio":{"type":"getAll","msgId":"SEPIA-alexa-2","buttons":[],"leds":[],"items":[{"id":"led-array","file":"rpi-respeaker-mic-hat-leds"}]}} Broadcaster event: {"broadcast":{"client":"alexa_chrome_app_v0.24.1","deviceId":"alexa","msg":"Reloading client."}} Broadcaster event: {"broadcast":{"client":"alexa_chrome_app_v0.24.1","deviceId":"alexa","msg":"Reloading client."}}...
> Du meinst den API Key für Maps und Geo-Coder ja? Ärgerlich :-( Der Server hat theoretisch auch Support für GraphHopper und ich hatte mich auch viel mit der öffentlichen...
tried to upload the python bridge smart-service from the online repository but i get `{"result":"fail","error":"401 not authorized"}` i tried it with the user "uid1007" which has the "user, developer, smarthomeadmin"...
oh man, i feel so dumb^^ i went allways from the sepia webclient menu to "control-hub" -> not authorized when i go direct to the control hub its working :)...
hey, sad to say, i have no plan what i am doing ^^ i played the last days a bit arround with the python bridge. i tried to make a...