Benedikt Freisen

Results 19 comments of Benedikt Freisen

There appear to be multiple issues, namely hardware and/or driver issues that prevent access to the programmer and missing support for your board. The sduino MB is a prototypical board...

If you are using the STM8S207C8T6 in a custom hardware configuration, nothing will lead around a custom software configuration. You can create a new entry for your setup in `boards.txt`...

The underlying compiler, SDCC, does not have a backend for ST7. Therefore, I do not see any chance of it happening.

The most recent update to that code base appears to be from January 2013. Most of it even appears to be from January 2011, i.e. it is absolutely ancient and...

Probably a lot more than you would want to invest.

Well, for starters you would at least need the entire hardware abstraction code for the peripherals, i.e. you would actually have to rewrite all of the libraries or at least...

> Ich hab die Vanilla Version von Anno, mit welcher Version wurden deine Spielstände denn erzeugt? Ggf. ist hier das ein oder andere Tile dazugekommen. Genau die Version sollte es...

Der jeweils aktuelle Lagerstand sollte als „Animationsschritt“ im entsprechenden Inselfeld gespeichert sein, wenn ich das noch richtig im Kopf habe. Der darf dann halt nur nicht inkrementiert werden, sonst fängt...

To the best of my knowledge, the 1nF (or 1000pF) filter capacitors are true to the original, i.e. they are reportedly what Innovation used. Ostensibly that was the recommended value...