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LMeve - industry manager and contribution tracker for EVE Online
This project was started at the request of Aideron Technologies CEO in 2013. This software is basically an advanced prototype. Code beauty was not a priority, moreover this is not in objective PHP, just plain-old structural PHP. I had plans to refactor entire project into CodeIgniter framework, but this plan is currently on hold.More information: http://pozniak.pl/wp/?tag=lmeve
Official Discord channel: https://discord.gg/9yBhuPd
Please do not contact "Lukas Rox" in game for support, because he does not play eve
If you find a problem, please come to official Discord channel here https://discord.gg/9yBhuPd and/or open an Issue on GitHub project page: https://github.com/roxlukas/lmeve/issuesTry the LMeve Database module here: http://pozniak.pl/database/index.php follow lmeve production and get more information: http://pozniak.pl/wp/?tag=lmeve
This app requires EVE Online corporation CEO ESI keys to function. All Eve Related Materials are Property Of CCP Games
Please do not contact "Lukas Rox" in game for support, because I do not read eve-mail
If you find a problem, please open an Issue on GitHub project page: https://github.com/roxlukas/lmeve/issuesSetup instructions
Steps for installing LMEVE :
1. install LmEvE core
2. install dependancies
3. configure apache2
4. configure mysql
5. lmeve graphics
6. Registering with ccp
7. Finalization
1 install lmeve core :
cd /var/www
sudo git clone https://github.com/roxlukas/lmeve
2 install lmeve dependancies :
sudo apt-get install php-mysql php-pear apache2 libapache2-mod-php
php-cli php-dev libyaml-dev, php-mbstring
python-yaml mysql-server mysql-client unzip
3 Configure Apache2 :
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
change DocumentRoot to : /var/www/lmeve/wwwroot
4 Configure MySQL install :
sudo mkdir /Incoming
cd /Incoming
sudo wget "https://www.fuzzwork.co.uk/dump/mysql-latest.tar.bz2"
tar -xjf mysql-latest.tar.bz2 --wildcards --no-anchored 'sql' -C /Incoming/ --strip-components 1
sudo mv .sql /Incoming/staticdata.sql
sudo mysql
USE lmeve;
source /var/www/lmeve/data/schema.sql;
USE EveStaticData;
source /Incoming/staticdata.sql;
CREATE USER 'lmeve'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'lmpassword'; //<-- your custom password here
. TO 'lmeve'@'%'; // Change % to your lmeve internal network address
. TO 'lmeve'@'%'; // Change % to your lmeve internal network address
5 install lmeve icons and graphics
//remove placeholder ccp icon and img folders, download image package
cd /var/www/lmeve/wwwroot
sudo rm -fr ccp_icons ccp_img
cd /Incoming
sudo wget www.ash-online.net/lmevegfx/lmevegfx.tar.gz
sudo tar -zjvf lmevegfx.tar.gz -C /
6 Configure CCP Developer application using the lmeve sso config guide :
7 Finalize installation :
cd /var/www/lmeve/config
sudo nano config-dist.php
edit the config file and save it as config.php
Set up API poller in cron to run every 15 minutes - */15 * * * * apache2/bin/php -h /var/www/lmeve/bin/poller.php
login to lmeve using admin / admin credentials and wait a few minutes while lmeve parses and alters database tables
Change admin password in Settings
Create a user accout for yourself
Logout, Login with your new account
Add corp ESI key in Settings -> ESI Keys
Credits and copyrights
LMeve by Lukasz "Lukas Rox" Pozniak
LMframework v3 by 2005-2014 Lukasz Pozniak
rixxjavix.css skin by Bryan K. "Rixx Javix" Ward
- TheAhmosis and Razeu - it's their idea that I had the pleasure to wrap in code
- Crysis McNally - for excellent ideas and thorough testing
- Aideron Technologies - for excellent closed beta
- CCP Games - for making such a great game and providing API for us, developer kind, to tinker with
- To all supporters and donators. Thank you!
Donations are welcome!
According to CCP Developers License paragraph 4 section 4 (https://developers.eveonline.com/resource/license-agreement) you can buy me a coffe or help fund the server.
If you'd like to support the development, feel free to do so: https://www.paypal.me/roxlukas