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Build An Interactive command line tool with Node.js, Mongodb, Commandjs, and Inquirerjs


Contacto is a command line tool contact management system built with Node.js, MongoDB, Commanderjs, and Inquirerjs. It allows you to create and manage your contact from the command line.

Here's the full tutorial published on


  1. Install Node.js
  2. Install MongoDB
  3. Install Mongoose
  4. Install Commanderjs
  5. Install Inquirerjs


  1. Clone the repository here
  2. Navigate to your terminal and change your directory to the contacto.
  3. Run yarn to install node dependencies.
  4. Run yarn link to creates a symbolic link between project directory and executable command.


Usage: contact [options] [command]


    addContact|a           Add a contact
    getContact|r <name>    Get contact
    updateContact|u <_id>  Update contact
    deleteContact|d <_id>  Delete contact
    getContactList|l       List contacts

  Contact management system


    -h, --help     output usage information
    -V, --version  output the version number

Thank you.