leaflet-easyPrint icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
leaflet-easyPrint copied to clipboard

A leaflet plugin which adds an icon to print the map - Demo @ http://rowanwins.github.io/leaflet-easyPrint/

Results 64 leaflet-easyPrint issues
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When we use the '_leaflet-groupedlayercontrol_' plugin, together with this EasyPrint plugin, we get an error by exporting the image. ``` L.easyPrint({ sizeModes: ['Current', 'A4Landscape', 'A4Portrait'], exportOnly: true, hideControlContainer: true, }).addTo(map);...

It´s not that it´s not working, but it hides the specified classes from the wrong map container: ``` _toggleControls: function (show) { var controlContainer = document.getElementsByClassName("leaflet-control-container")[0]; if (show) return controlContainer.style.display...

Hi. This plugin is very cool but I can still see the special fullscreen plugin I use in printing, it's not hidden as it should. I give you all info...

I tried to import the plugin into a Typescript app and also added the code into the typings file to extend L.control from leaflet but got` Uncaught TypeError: L.control.easyPrint is...

I get the following error: bundle.js:1 oops, something went wrong! Event bubbles : false cancelBubble : false cancelable : false composed : false currentTarget : null defaultPrevented : false eventPhase...

Is it possible to save directly in my Web Server's folder? Instead my computer folder? You have have done a great job!

I had my map like this in my css: ´´´ #mapid { z-index: 0; margin-top: 12vh; height: 88vh; } ´´´ using vh like the measurement for the heigth. The configuration...

- tested with index.html - plugin reset not called on error, now both on success and error

I noticed that when exporting my map with the "Current Size" option, the resulting PNG was larger than the size of the map container. I determined that this was happening...