A node.js server that generate tiles from cloud-optimised geotiff's designed for use with a serverless function provider like AWS Lambda.
The general idea
- A simple slippy-map tile server based on NodeJS and express.js
- Configurable 'providers' to handle interactions with datastores such as the landsat on AWS
- An endpoint for rgb tiles allowing different band combinations
- An endpoint for calculated indices such as NDVI
- An endpoint for getting metadata
RGB endpoint
Param |
Description |
Mandatory |
sceneID |
A unique id for a geotiff in a datastore |
true |
provider |
A name of a datastore to search |
false (defaults to landsat-pds on AWS) |
rgbBands |
Which bands to use as the RGB |
false |
pMin |
The lower percentile value to clip values to (can be retrieved via the metadata endpoint) |
false |
pMax |
The upper percentile value to clip values to (can be retrieved via the metadata endpoint) |
false |
// A more complicated example
Calculated endpoint
Param |
Description |
Mandatory |
sceneID |
A unique id for a geotiff in a datastore |
true |
provider |
A name of a datastore to search |
false (defaults to landsat-pds on AWS) |
ratio |
A band calculation to apply (eg (b3-b5)/(b3+b5) ) |
true |
style |
A style to use for colouring the image (valid options currently are 'NDWI', 'NDVI') |
false |
&ratio=(b3-b5)/(b3+b5) <---- although ensure the ratio is urlEncoded
Metadata endpoint
Param |
Description |
Mandatory |
sceneID |
A unique id for a geotiff in a datastore |
true |
provider |
A name of a datastore to search |
false (defaults to landsat-pds on AWS) |
bands |
A comma seperated lists of bands to retrieve information for |
false |
=> [
"bandName": "b1",
"stats": {
"percentiles": [584,1058],
"min": 327,
"max": 1517,
"stdDeviation": 115.71190214142455
"bandName": "b2",
"stats": {
"percentiles": [630, 1320],
"min": 265,
"max": 3348,
"stdDeviation": 163.80461720104134
- Cloud Optimised GeoTIFFs are awesome and I wanted to learn more about them.
Haven't you heard of rio-tiler/landsat-tiler?
- Yep it's very awesome, it's what inspired this project
- The downsides I ran into were
- it requires Docker (which doesn't work very nicely on Windows)
- It relies on rasterio, which relies on GDAL, and consequently the build was very large (hence why it's using the docker setup to try and streamline some of the build processes)
- More colour ramps and investigate sending styles to chromajs from the client side
- Investigate symbolising by classes for the
endpoint (eg -1 to -0.5, -0.5 to 0, 0 to 0.5, 0.5 to 1)
- Implement error handling
- Switch to png's instead of jpgs to allow transparency