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Custom Advancements is an easy to configure minecraft plugin where you can create your own advancements for your server. Your players can use the easy to use GUI to see the advancements and their prog...

Results 56 CustomAdvancements issues
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Hi, I'm running a large wild server and I'm using a bungee cord. It would be great if this plug-in could be shared between servers with mysql or bungee code.

priority: high
type: feature

Here is the type of advancements which is not working in 1.20.1. rider: type: rideentity value: HORSE This type of advancements used to be available in 1.19.4,now it's broken in...

please add new advancements type like when i go to some coordinate and i receive some advancement it vill be cool new configurateble type of advancements p.s My English bed

priority: low
type: feature

When I am in this GUI and I press the enchanted book ![image]( ![image]( It doesn't open any GUI but instead it just throws an error in the console: ```...

priority: high
type: bug

When I have like 100 advancements on my server (5 Advancement trees) and when I have all of them they just break so I decided to test it with only...

priority: high
type: bug

Could you add a way to prevent some achievements from counting if they are mined with the silk touch enchantment? I have been testing the plugin on a server, and...

priority: medium
type: bug

Ability to reset a players progress to zero Command to reset individual players progress in all advancements /ca reset advancements `` Command to reset all players progress in all advancements....

priority: medium
type: feature

Your plugin is awesome and easy to use, would be awesome if u can add some support with other plugins like "Magic, EliteMobs", those plugins are pretty good and i...

priority: low
type: feature

Support for Custom Heads to be used in 'item:' Deluxemenus example: material: 'basehead-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYzk1ZDM3OTkzZTU5NDA4MjY3ODQ3MmJmOWQ4NjgyMzQxM2MyNTBkNDMzMmEyYzdkOGM1MmRlNDk3NmIzNjIifX19' ' display: name: 'Breeding Chickens 1' item: EGG'

priority: medium
type: feature

Is this compatible to plugins that utilizes player levels? player stats like dexterity int str like in mmocore or proskillapi? is this also compatible with custom mobs like mythic mobs...

priority: low
type: feature