Robert Vollmer

Results 235 comments of Robert Vollmer

I have done the research and now I'm sure that repacking the ZIP cannot produce a valid, signed, flashable ZIP file. The three files you mentioned are used for JAR/APK...

Could you please post a full logcat of the crashes? This page might help you:

OK... I still haven't checked though why this was added initially. Also not sure if Dalvik is behaving in the same way.

The error in the log might be related to instrumentation, not sure. Anyway, Xposed version 33 is ancient, please try it with the latest version (XposedBridge 58, I think).

The latest Xposed version for KitKat is included in the 2.7 installer: It can't be built via Gradle, you have to use this branch and rename the APK to...

No idea, I always used Eclipse, but haven't built it since 2014. You'll probably better off trying it on Lollipop/Marshmallow first. You can then build the default ("art") branch using...

Thanks for the detailed pull request! The fix looks good, but I'm wondering if it's better or worse to handle it like in 18952020164b5ca9133d211a80f38aac90accb42 instead (i.e. simulate that the method...

Merged in 5f4bc91b6baacacc358fb875ce169a5bf20d6548, but I keep this open to think about the different approach mentioned above.

I haven't tried this myself, and I'm not planning to support pre-installed Xposed officially. However, the installation scripts are open source, so you can check what they do. Feel free...

I think I'd try to follow the official docs as close as possible, i.e. check out `xposed` to `frameworks/base/cmds/xposed` and `android_art` to `art`, and then have some special make file...