Robert Vollmer

Results 235 comments of Robert Vollmer

> The error.log is logged by xposed module, and by system process too. Not anymore. Since Lollipop, I changed `XposedBridge.log()` to write only to Logcat. An additional daemon starts logcat...

> is there any chance the XposedBridge itself could use a content provider based solution for XSharedPreferences so modules that aren't rewritten for MM could start working? Generally, that would...

> Can I make an Xposed module which stores it's XC_LoadPackage.LoadPackageParam and then uses this when the BroadcastReceiver receives an Intent? Not in the way you want to do it....

No idea. Your receiver runs in your app's process. Unless you hook your own app, the module code will be in another process, so you need some sort of IPC....

Everything you declare in your manifest always refers to your own app's process. If you hook other apps, Android won't know about your own manifest, it will just let you...

You might have to do that if your intent filters aren't unique. Again, if you hook multiple apps, you might end up registering the same receiver in all of those...

> I got it working Could you please post the relevant code here? Others (including myself) might want to do similar things. > is there a way I can start...

> How can I load an app and make sure it doesn't get unloaded? Apps get loaded when they're used (e.g. when you start them from the launcher or the...

I'll keep this here as a feature request, but I'm not sure if it can be realized. Especially the part about SELinux will be difficult, there is as far as...

I think you have hit an edge case with either the caching or the internal hash map. You have used both of these: ```java XposedHelpers.findAndHookMethod(MainActivity.class, "onCreate", Bundle.class, new XC_MethodHook() ......