flutter_facebook_login copied to clipboard
Can't get result while use onActivityResult on MainActivity.kt
Hi i am using flutter_facebook_login: ^1.2.0 for facebook login
Here is my code what i wrote on my flutter class
login.dart `Future<Null> initiateFacebookLogin() async {
final FacebookLoginResult result =
await facebookSignIn.logInWithReadPermissions(['email']);
switch (result.status) {
case FacebookLoginStatus.loggedIn:
final FacebookAccessToken accessToken = result.accessToken;
Logged in!
Token: ${accessToken.token}
User id: ${accessToken.userId}
Expires: ${accessToken.expires}
Permissions: ${accessToken.permissions}
Declined permissions: ${accessToken.declinedPermissions}
case FacebookLoginStatus.cancelledByUser:
print('Login cancelled by the user.');
case FacebookLoginStatus.error:
print('Something went wrong with the login process.\n'
'Here\'s the error Facebook gave us: ${result.errorMessage}');
Now in my App i am using Braintree for payment, that's why i used MethodChannel to make payment on Native so here is my MainActivity.kt
`class MainActivity : FlutterActivity(), BraintreeCancelListener, BraintreeErrorListener {
var TAG = "MainActivity";
var REQUEST_CODE = 111
lateinit var resReplay: MethodChannel.Result;
companion object {
const val CHANNEL = "com.myapp.xyz"
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
MethodChannel(flutterView, CHANNEL).setMethodCallHandler { call, result ->
if (call.method == "showNativeView") {
val args = call.arguments as List<*>
val param = args.first() as String
Log.e("Native Call", "Native Call");
fun onBraintreeSubmit(token:String) {
val dropInRequest = DropInRequest()
startActivityForResult(dropInRequest.getIntent(this), REQUEST_CODE)
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent) {
if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE) {
if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
val result = data.getParcelableExtra<DropInResult>(DropInResult.EXTRA_DROP_IN_RESULT)
val nonce = result.paymentMethodNonce!!.nonce
} else if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) {
Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "the user canceled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
} else {
val error = data.getSerializableExtra(DropInActivity.EXTRA_ERROR) as Exception
Toast.makeText(applicationContext, error.message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
ISSUE is if i remove onActivityResult method from MainActivity, Facebook login works perfectly But if i can try to login with facebook with above code it's dosent respond any success or error log.
Same Issue on my side also. @pmrajani did you get any solution ?
yes @AhsanKhan231 i fixed it.
Not standard solution but i thought issue is due to OnActivityResult method on MainActivity.kt
Facebook plugin also called it internally. so i remove my MainActivity code on other class and facebook working for me.
@pmrajani I have the same problem with the difference that I am not using native approach for Braintree - I am using plugins for Facebook, Google and Braintree, no native code added. What should I do to make it work then, do you have any ideas?
By using this way I have solved the issue.
@Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); switch (requestCode) { case REQUEST_CODE_CHOOSE_IMAGE_FROM_GALLERY: if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK && data != null) { String path = new FileUtils().getPathFromUri(this, data.getData()); if (result != null) { result.success(path); } this.result = null; } break; default: } }