rethinkdb-multicorn-postgresql-fdw copied to clipboard
postgres[xxxx]: segfault at 0 ip xxx sp xx error 4 in[xxxx+xxxx]
debian jessie, psql (9.4.6), using the debian native multicorn. Any recommendations on how to proceed?
FYI: sequence of commands:
# apt-get install python-pip
# pip install rethinkdb
# apt-get install python-multicorn
# apt-get install postgresql-9.4-python-multicorn
# git clone
# cd rethinkdb-multicorn-postgresql-fdw/
# python install
# su - postgres
$ psql (9.4.6)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# create server rethinkdb foreign data wrapper multicorn options (wrapper 'rethinkdb_fdw.rethinkdb_fdw.RethinkDBFDW', host '', port '28015', database 'p711');
postgres=# create foreign table mytable (
postgres(# id uuid,
postgres(# somekey varchar,
postgres(# someotherkey varchar,
postgres(# sometimestamp timestamp (6) with time zone,
postgres(# bigintegerkey bigint,
postgres(# nestedjsonkey json,
postgres(# yetanotherkey varchar
postgres(# ) server rethinkdb options (table_name 'mytable');
postgres=# select * from mytable;
id | somekey | someotherkey | sometimestamp | bigintegerkey | nestedjsonkey | yetanotherkey
7c240d09-0257-4ada-8ed1-c3d8287336a1 | Battlestar Galactica | | | | | 75
5fbe929c-10bf-4377-975e-ae14c6dbb661 | Star Trek TNG | | | 178 | |
(2 rows)
postgres=# insert into mytable(somekey, sometimestamp, bigintegerkey, yetanotherkey) values ('somekey', NOW(), 345345434, 'yetanotherkey');
server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.
!> \q
We need to figure out what is throwing the error. Is it the library? The RethinkDB driver? Or is it PostgreSQL itself? It isn't clear from what you've posted here.
You can turn up PostgreSQL logging to debug for a few minutes tosee if there is additional information in the PostgreSQL logs.
I've a goal to bump this FDW up to support Python 3.5.x. I haven't had time to get to it recently though (soon, I hope!). -- On My Mac laptop I can only get Multicorn to work correctly with Python 3.5 ever since the Homebrew Python 2.7.11 release came out and broke it. So my first recommendation without knowing further would be to try to move everything - RethinkDB library, this FDW code, and Multicorn to Python 3.5.x.
Ok, I'll try to make a postgresql coredump with symbols. Why would homebrew break multicorn? Well, one thing at a time I guess.