DataFrame copied to clipboard
Matlab impelementation of DataFrame/Pandas concept.
Matlab impelementation of DataFrame/Pandas concept. This project wraps and makes use of as much as possible of the Matlab table, but with the intent of providing a class implementation that could be specialized further.
Create a DataFrame from scratch
The DataFrame is created in the same exact way as a table. The constructor just passes the arguements to the table constructor, then stores the table as as private property. We can still retrieve table properties
df = DataFrame(0, 0, 0, 0, ... 'VariableNames', {'test1', 'test2','test3','test4',}); df.Properties
ans =Description: '' VariableDescriptions: {} VariableUnits: {} DimensionNames: {'Row' 'Variable'} UserData: [] RowNames: {} VariableNames: {'test1' 'test2' 'test3' 'test4'}
View the DataFrame the Same as a Table
DataFrame overrides the display method to show the table instead of the DataFrame object
df =test1 test2 test3 test4 _____ _____ _____ _____ 0 0 0 0
Access Table Columns Through DataFrame
The column names are pass throughs into the actual table structure. We can access the column as normal
df.test1 df.test3
ans =0
ans =
Access Methods Attached to the DataFrame Object
You no longer need to know which possible functions you can use on a Matlab table. They are available to use either way.
df.height() height(df)
ans =1
ans =
Extend DataFrame However We'd Like
Matlab blocks you from extending the table data structure, but we can get around that with this approach
df = DataFrame.fromCSV(which('ugly_data.csv'));
Name Zeros Lat Lng Normal Negative _______________ _____ ________ ________ ___________ ________'Connor Hayden' 0 -2.58201 71.06714 0.006049531 3 GUID Date Timestamp ______________________________________ _________________ __________ '7B79A197-E85F-2BFF-F37E-727DEDAC9803' 'April 27th 2015' 1394414933 AlphaNumeric _____________ 'FSU09MJG3ZB'
Or, if You Still Want to See the Object
Column data will show empty since we are just dynamically passing through them on each subscript call. Properties shows up with contents, since it uses a getter method
DataFrame with properties:Properties: [1x1 struct] Normal: [] Lng: [] Negative: [] Zeros: [] Name: [] AlphaNumeric: [] Date: [] GUID: [] Lat: [] Timestamp: [] Name Zeros Lat Lng Normal Negative _______________ _____ ________ ________ ___________ ________ 'Connor Hayden' 0 -2.58201 71.06714 0.006049531 3 GUID Date Timestamp ______________________________________ _________________ __________ '7B79A197-E85F-2BFF-F37E-727DEDAC9803' 'April 27th 2015' 1394414933 AlphaNumeric _____________ 'FSU09MJG3ZB'
Name: 20400x1 cell string Zeros: 20400x1 double Values: min 0 median 0 max 0 Lat: 20400x1 double Values: min -89.42406 median -1.02059 max 88.89347 Lng: 20400x1 double Values: min -177.18611 median 0.934815 max 176.4439 Normal: 20400x1 double Values: min -0.543252895 median -0.017611593 max 0.573277103 Negative: 20400x1 double Values: min -5 median 0.5 max 5 GUID: 20400x1 cell string Date: 20400x1 cell string Timestamp: 20400x1 double Values: min 1378967930 median 1403645750.5 max 1439505058 AlphaNumeric: 20400x1 cell string
We Can Try the Same Thing on a Standard Table
tbl = readtable(which('ugly_data.csv')); try tbl.head(); head(tbl); catch err disp(err.message) end
Unrecognized variable name 'head'.
Dynamically add columns to the DataFrame
df.Lat2 = df.Lat; df.Lat3 = df.Lat; df.columns()
ans =Columns 1 through 7
'Name' 'Zeros' 'Lat' 'Lng' 'Normal' 'Negative' 'GUID'
Columns 8 through 12
'Date' 'Timestamp' 'AlphaNumeric' 'Lat2' 'Lat3'
Easily remove columns from the DataFrame
df.remove_cols({'Lat2', 'Lat3'}); df.columns()
ans =Columns 1 through 7
'Name' 'Zeros' 'Lat' 'Lng' 'Normal' 'Negative' 'GUID'
Columns 8 through 10
'Date' 'Timestamp' 'AlphaNumeric'
Initial Start at Providing Complete Wrapper for Table
Methods for class DataFrame:DataFrame disp is_column subsref toStruct
addprop getTable numel summary width
columns head remove_cols toArray writetable
details height subsasgn toCellStatic methods:
fromArray fromCell intersect rowfun
fromCSV fromStruct ismember varfunCall "methods('handle')" for methods of DataFrame inherited from handle.