Rotem Tamir
Rotem Tamir
Hey @sneakykiwi ! Thanks for the contribution. Can you please add a unit test verifying this behavior ? Also, make sure that this doesn't break on protoc-gen-entgrpc 🙏
Unit test would go here:
Tests for entgrpc proto extensions found here:
hey @sneakykiwi any update on this? would you like to work on this together?
Hey @pavelsmejkal ! Thanks so much for taking the time to think deeply about how to improve the gRPC extension. Indeed it is still early days for the plugin and...
Sure thing. You're more than welcome to join our discord server:
Hi @gopkg-dev Thanks for reaching out. I'm not sure I follow, can you explain what you're trying to achieve and what isn't working as you expect ?
If I understand correctly, you have some entity A that has some identifying field F that is not the ID field. In addition, you have a second entity B that...
Thanks for sharing @gopkg-dev , do you mind elaborating on why not use is the FK for the seller table? It seems simpler to me.
@frederikhors, may I suggest that you create a minimal repro of your bug using ?