roswell copied to clipboard
Segfault on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
I installed roswell via linuxbrew, then ran ros
on the command line.
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on Codeanywhere.
uname -a
Linux box-codeanywhere 2.6.32-042stab112.15 #1 SMP Tue Oct 20 17:22:56 MSK 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
How to reproduce the issue
$ ros
Installing sbcl-bin...
No SBCL version specified. Downloading platform-table.html to see the available versions...
Installing sbcl-bin/1.4.6...
Extracting sbcl-bin-1.4.6-x86-64-linux.tar.bz2 to /home/cabox/.roswell/src/sbcl-1.4.6-x86-64-linux/
Building sbcl-bin/1.4.6... Done.
Bus error
Segmentation fault
Sorry for late response... would you try ros -v -v
Thank you for the reply.
$ ros -v -v
s 15705712 util-list.c 147 "-v":done
sorry ros -v -v help
That is what I thought.
$ ros -v -v help
s 25876080 util-list.c 147 "-v":done
s 25876112 util-dir.c 81 "ROSWELL_HOME":done
q 25876016 4253354 util-dir.c 83 ".roswell/"
q 25876048 4257039 util-string.c 150 "/"
q 25886880 25875792 cmd-internal.c 157 "/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/roswell/"
s 25876048 proc-opt.c 101 "/home/cabox/.roswell/":done
s 25886880 proc-opt.c 101 "/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/roswell/":done
s 25887072 proc-opt.c 109 "/home/cabox/.roswell/help.ros":done
frontend:script_*:argc=1 argv[0]=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/roswell/
ros_script_cmd=exec ros -Q -m roswell -N roswell -- $0 "$@"
s 25887520 util-cmdline.c 39 "$@":done
s 25887520 util-list.c 147 "-Q":done
s 25887712 util-list.c 147 "-m":done
s 25887776 util-list.c 147 "roswell":done
s 25887840 util-list.c 147 "-N":done
s 25887904 util-list.c 147 "roswell":done
script_:argc=2 argv[0]=--
q 25887936 4251535 cmd-script.c 18 ""
s 25888256 cmd-script.c 23 "/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/roswell/":done
s 25888352 cmd-script.c 26 ""/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/roswell/"":done
q 25887712 25887872 util-list.c 178 "script"
s 25887872 util-list.c 147 "script":done
s 25887904 util-dir.c 81 "ROSWELL_HOME":done
q 25887904 4253354 util-dir.c 83 ".roswell/"
q 25888352 4257039 util-string.c 150 "/"
get_opt(roswellenv,1)q 25887904 4254801 opt.c 114 "roswellenv"
s 25887904 opt.c 116 "roswellenv":done
s 25887904 util-dir.c 81 "ROSWELL_HOME":done
q 25887904 4253354 util-dir.c 83 ".roswell/"
q 25888384 4257039 util-string.c 150 "/"
s 25888448 util-string.c 178 "/home/cabox/.roswell/env/roswell/config":done
get_opt(lisp,1)q 25887872 4254813 opt.c 114 "lisp"
s 25887872 opt.c 116 "lisp":done
get_opt(default.lisp,1)q 25887872 4253684 opt.c 114 "default.lisp"
s 25887872 opt.c 116 "default_lisp":done
q 25887872 4254655 cmd-run.c 77 "sbcl-bin"
s 25887872 cmd-run.c 87 "sbcl-bin":done
q 25887872 4254655 cmd-run.c 88 "sbcl-bin"
q 25887904 4257039 util.c 136 "/"
q 25888416 4252728 util.c 136 "tmp"
s 25888448 util-dir.c 81 "ROSWELL_HOME":done
q 25888592 4253354 util-dir.c 83 ".roswell/"
q 25888624 4257039 util-string.c 150 "/"
s 25888688 util.c 138 "/home/cabox/.roswell/tmp/":done
q 25887904 4254579 util.c 139 "setup"
q 25888416 4253098 util.c 139 "tmp/lock.roswell."
s 25888624 util-dir.c 81 "ROSWELL_HOME":done
q 25888624 4253354 util-dir.c 83 ".roswell/"
q 25888656 4257039 util-string.c 150 "/"
lock setup exist status=0s 25888768 util.c 147 "/home/cabox/.roswell/tmp/lock.roswell.setup":done
q 25887904 4257039 util.c 136 "/"
q 25888416 4252728 util.c 136 "tmp"
s 25888656 util-dir.c 81 "ROSWELL_HOME":done
q 25888624 4253354 util-dir.c 83 ".roswell/"
q 25888656 4257039 util-string.c 150 "/"
s 25888768 util.c 138 "/home/cabox/.roswell/tmp/":done
q 25887904 4254579 util.c 139 "setup"
q 25888416 4253098 util.c 139 "tmp/lock.roswell."
s 25888656 util-dir.c 81 "ROSWELL_HOME":done
q 25888624 4253354 util-dir.c 83 ".roswell/"
q 25888656 4257039 util-string.c 150 "/"
Then, there was no response...
I encountered segfaults on Ubuntu 16.04 today, and it turned out the issue was that at some point I had ran ros as setuid root before, so I chown'd ~/.roswell to my user and now it works.
segfaults on ubuntu today, latest deb from repo.
ros Installing sbcl-bin... No SBCL version specified. Downloading platform-table.html to see the available versions... [##########################################################################]100% Installing sbcl-bin/2.0.0... Downloading Download Failed with status 1. See download_simple in src/download.c Segmentation fault
uname -a Linux 81FXEB1 5.3.0-24-generic #26-Ubuntu SMP Thu Nov 14 01:33:18 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
` ros -v -v help opt:verbose:1 dispatch:-v,name=top proc_options:-v:top opt:verbose:3 s 94276121720336 util-list.c 147 "-v":done dispatch:help,name=top proc_cmd: s 94276121720144 util-dir.c 81 "ROSWELL_HOME":done q 94276121720336 94276106987162 util-dir.c 83 ".roswell/" q 94276121787840 94276121792320 cmd-internal.c 157 "/home/username/bin/etc/roswell/" s 94276121717616 proc-opt.c 97 "/home/username/.roswell/":done s 94276121787840 proc-opt.c 97 "/home/username/bin/etc/roswell/":done s 94276121787840 proc-opt.c 104 "/home/username/.roswell/help.ros":done dispatch:/home/username/bin/etc/roswell/help.ros,name=top proc_cmd: cmd_script_frontend:0 frontend:script_*:argc=1 argv[0]=/home/username/bin/etc/roswell/help.ros ros_script_cmd=exec ros -Q -m roswell -N roswell -- $0 "$@" s 94276121720720 util-cmdline.c 39 "$@":done dispatch:-Q,name=top proc_options:-Q:top opt:quicklisp:2 s 94276121723472 util-list.c 147 "-Q":done dispatch:-m,name=top proc_options:-m:top get_opt(image,0)=(null) take1:image:roswell,(null) set_opt(image)='roswell' s 94276121723088 util-list.c 147 "-m":done s 94276121722704 util-list.c 147 "roswell":done dispatch:-N,name=top proc_options:-N:top get_opt(roswellenv,0)=(null) take1:roswellenv:roswell,(null) set_opt(roswellenv)='roswell' s 94276121722320 util-list.c 147 "-N":done s 94276121723664 util-list.c 147 "roswell":done dispatch:--,name=top proc_options:--:top cmd_script_frontend:1 cmd_script get_opt(program,0)=(null) script_:argc=2 argv[0]=-- current=(null) q 94276121720720 94276106985544 cmd-script.c 18 "" s 94276121796352 cmd-script.c 23 "/home/username/bin/etc/roswell/help.ros":done set_opt(script)='"/home/username/bin/etc/roswell/help.ros"' s 94276121796448 cmd-script.c 26 ""/home/username/bin/etc/roswell/help.ros"":done q 94276121724048 94276121722320 util-list.c 178 "script" s 94276121722320 util-list.c 147 "script":done cmd_run_star:1:argv[0],script s 94276121723088 util-dir.c 81 "ROSWELL_HOME":done q 94276121722320 94276106987162 util-dir.c 83 ".roswell/" get_opt(image,0)=roswell get_opt(roswellenv,0)=roswell get_opt(roswellenv,1)q 94276121722320 94276106988505 opt.c 114 "roswellenv" s 94276121722320 opt.c 116 "roswellenv":done =roswell s 94276121722320 util-dir.c 81 "ROSWELL_HOME":done q 94276121723856 94276106987162 util-dir.c 83 ".roswell/" s 94276121796448 util-string.c 183 "/home/username/.roswell/env/roswell/config":done set_env_opt:/home/username/.roswell/env/roswell/config get_opt(lisp,1)q 94276121726640 94276106988517 opt.c 114 "lisp" s 94276121726640 opt.c 116 "lisp":done =(null) get_opt(*lisp,0)=(null) get_opt(default.lisp,0)=(null) determin_impl:(null) get_opt(default.lisp,1)q 94276121726640 94276106987480 opt.c 114 "default.lisp" s 94276121726640 opt.c 116 "default_lisp":done =(null) q 94276121726640 94276106988369 cmd-run.c 83 "sbcl-bin" s 94276121726640 cmd-run.c 93 "sbcl-bin":done q 94276121726640 94276106988369 cmd-run.c 94 "sbcl-bin" q 94276121726448 94276106991001 util.c 137 "/" q 94276121726256 94276106986534 util.c 137 "tmp" s 94276121726064 util-dir.c 81 "ROSWELL_HOME":done q 94276121725872 94276106987162 util-dir.c 83 ".roswell/" ensure_directories_exist:/home/username/.roswell/tmp/ s 94276121726256 util.c 139 "/home/username/.roswell/tmp/":done q 94276121726256 94276106988283 util.c 140 "setup" q 94276121725872 94276106986902 util.c 140 "tmp/lock.roswell." s 94276121725456 util-dir.c 81 "ROSWELL_HOME":done q 94276121725648 94276106987162 util-dir.c 83 ".roswell/" lock setup exist status=0s 94276121796544 util.c 148 "/home/username/.roswell/tmp/lock.roswell.setup":done q 94276121726256 94276106991001 util.c 137 "/" q 94276121725872 94276106986534 util.c 137 "tmp" s 94276121723664 util-dir.c 81 "ROSWELL_HOME":done q 94276121725648 94276106987162 util-dir.c 83 ".roswell/" ensure_directories_exist:/home/username/.roswell/tmp/ s 94276121726864 util.c 139 "/home/username/.roswell/tmp/":done q 94276121726864 94276106988283 util.c 140 "setup" q 94276121728080 94276106986902 util.c 140 "tmp/lock.roswell." s 94276121727888 util-dir.c 81 "ROSWELL_HOME":done q 94276121727664 94276106987162 util-dir.c 83 ".roswell/" lock!:setup s 94276121796544 util.c 148 "/home/username/.roswell/tmp/lock.roswell.setup":done verbose-option:'' get_opt(sbcl-bin.version,0)=(null) q 94276121726864 94276106985483 cmd-run.c 51 "config" s 94276121728080 util-dir.c 81 "ROSWELL_HOME":done q 94276121727248 94276106987162 util-dir.c 83 ".roswell/" Installing sbcl-bin... ros install sbcl-bin System:ros install sbcl-bin No SBCL version specified. Downloading platform-table.html to see the available versions... [##########################################################################]100% Installing sbcl-bin/2.0.0... Downloading Download Failed with status 1. See download_simple in src/download.c s 94276121727664 cmd-run.c 52 "ros install sbcl-bin":done q 94276121727664 94276106991001 util.c 137 "/" q 94276121726864 94276106986534 util.c 137 "tmp" s 94276121727056 util-dir.c 81 "ROSWELL_HOME":done q 94276121726256 94276106987162 util-dir.c 83 ".roswell/" ensure_directories_exist:/home/username/.roswell/tmp/ s 94276121726864 util.c 139 "/home/username/.roswell/tmp/":done q 94276121726864 94276106988283 util.c 140 "setup" q 94276121726256 94276106986902 util.c 140 "tmp/lock.roswell." s 94276121725648 util-dir.c 81 "ROSWELL_HOME":done q 94276121723856 94276106987162 util-dir.c 83 ".roswell/" unlock!:setup s 94276121796544 util.c 148 "/home/username/.roswell/tmp/lock.roswell.setup":done get_opt(sbcl-bin.version,0)=(null) q 94276121729872 94276106991001 cmd-run.c 98 "/" set_opt(impl)='sbcl-bin/' get_opt(quicklisp,0)=(null) s 94276121796704 util-string.c 183 "/home/username/.roswell/lisp/quicklisp/":done set_opt(quicklisp)='/home/username/.roswell/lisp/quicklisp/' set_opt(argv0)='ros' which cmd:command -v "ros" q 94276121728656 94276106985544 util-system.c 9 "" q 94276121730064 140733866600640 util-system.c 15 "/home/username/bin/bin/ros " which result:/home/username/bin/bin/ros
s 94276121731440 util.c 57 "/home/username/bin/bin/ros":done s 94276121728880 util.c 57 "command -v "ros"":done set_opt(wargv0)='/home/username/bin/bin/ros' q 94276121731056 94276121725072 cmd-run.c 151 "/home/username/.roswell/" set_opt(homedir)='/home/username/.roswell/' set_opt(verbose)='3' q 94276121796992 94276121792320 cmd-internal.c 157 "/home/username/bin/etc/roswell/" q 94276121797040 94276121796992 cmd-run.c 153 "/home/username/bin/etc/roswell/" set_opt(lispdir)='/home/username/bin/etc/roswell/' q 94276121797232 94276121797184 cmd-run.c 154 "/home/username/bin/etc/roswell/patch/" q 94276121797280 94276121797232 util-string.c 155 "/home/username/bin/etc/roswell/patch/" set_opt(patchdir)='/home/username/bin/etc/roswell/patch/' get_opt(asdf.version,0)=(null) q 94276121732976 94276106985544 util-system.c 9 "" q 94276121732784 140733866600640 util-system.c 15 "Linux " s 94276121732592 util.c 9 "Linux ":done set_opt(uname)='linux' q 94276121732400 94276106985544 util-system.c 9 "" q 94276121732208 140733866600640 util-system.c 15 "x86_64 " s 94276121732016 util.c 17 "x86_64 ":done set_opt(uname-m)='x86-64' s 94276121725072 cmd-run.c 159 "/home/username/.roswell/":done get_opt(program,0)=(null) q 94276121725072 94276106988607 cmd-run.c 164 "init.lisp" s 94276121731824 util-dir.c 81 "ROSWELL_HOME":done q 94276121733168 94276106987162 util-dir.c 83 ".roswell/" q 94276121733168 94276106985544 cmd-run.c 170 "" q 94276121734512 94276106985544 cmd-run.c 169 "" q 94276121734128 94276106985544 cmd-run.c 168 "" q 94276121797568 94276106988562 cmd-run.c 167 "(:eval"(ros:quicklisp)")" get_opt(asdf.version,0)=(null) q 94276121733936 94276106985544 cmd-run.c 166 "" s 94276121797520 cmd-run.c 171 "/home/username/.roswell/init.lisp":done set_opt(program)='(:eval"(ros:quicklisp)")' get_opt(impl,0)=sbcl-bin/ s 94276121734128 util-dir.c 81 "ROSWELL_HOME":done q 94276121733936 94276106987162 util-dir.c 83 ".roswell/" q 94276121733936 94276106985544 util-system.c 9 "" q 94276121733744 140733866600384 util-system.c 15 "x86_64 " s 94276121733360 util.c 17 "x86_64 ":done q 94276121733360 94276106985544 util-system.c 9 "" q 94276121733936 140733866600384 util-system.c 15 "Linux " s 94276121734704 util.c 9 "Linux ":done get_opt(help,0)=(null) get_opt(script,0)="/home/username/bin/etc/roswell/help.ros" get_opt(image,0)=roswell get_opt(program,0)=(:eval"(ros:quicklisp)") get_opt(dynamic-space-size,0)=(null) get_opt(control-stack-size,0)=(null) get_opt(without-roswell,0)=(null) get_opt(enable-debugger,0)=(null) Segmentation fault `