Rostislav Sulejmanov
Rostislav Sulejmanov
@engcom-Hotel Slightly reworked the functionality ( removed the stitch-case statement ), covered the functionality with mftf tests Please note : the edits do not involve "deleting" an item from the...
@magento run all tests
@magento run all tests
@magento run all tests
Yeah, I'll try to fix that But to be honest, don't have much experience with B2B and EE versions
@magento run Database Compare
@ihor-sviziev Proposal for a fix. I can't make compatibility with B2B and EE modules through edits in this repository. But, if edits are made, maybe you could make edits for...
@tdgroot Good question for discussion. Perhaps you could provide examples where indexing ATTRIBUTE_ID as a standalone index would be useful? This would help maintainers confirm the need for these edits
@magento I am working on this
Temp. patch ( for CE version only ) In EE and B2B versions you need to replace entity_id with row_id ``` Index: vendor/magento/module-catalog/etc/db_schema.xml IDEA additional info: Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP UTF-8 ===================================================================...