baseline copied to clipboard
Fails to Compile
I think harp is really awesome, and this boilerplate looks pretty neato.
Is this still being developed? If not, are there any boiler plates you can recommend? I am getting the following errors when trying to compile:
"source": "Jade",
"dest": "HTML",
"filename": "/Users/Satsu/baseline-master/_layout.jade",
"lineno": 30,
"name": "TypeError",
"message": "Cannot read property 'twitter' of undefined",
"stack": "doctype html\nhtml(lang=\"en\")\n head\n meta(charset='utf-8')\n meta(name='viewport', content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0')\n title= locals.title ? title + \" | \" + site_title : site_title\n \n meta(property='og:title', content=locals.title ? title + \" | \" + site_title : site_title)\n if current.path[0] === \"index\"\n meta(name='description', content=description)\n else if current.path[0] === \"blog\"\n meta(name='description', content=description)\n \n if current.path[0] === \"index\"\n meta(property='og:type', content='website')\n meta(property='og:description', content=description)\n meta(property='og:url', content=site_url)\n \n else if current.path[0] === \"blog\"\n meta(property='og:type', content='article')\n meta(property='og:description', content=description)\n meta(property='og:url', content=site_url + \"/blog/\" + current.path[1])\n \n meta(property='og:image', content=site_url + logo)\n meta(property='og:site_name', content=site_title)\n meta(name='twitter:card', content='summary')\n meta(name='twitter:site', content=\"@\" + site_twitter)\n \n if current.path[0] === \"blog\"\n if public.authors._data[author].twitter\n meta(name='twitter:creator', content=\"@\" + public.authors._data[author].twitter)\n meta(name='twitter:title', content=locals.title ? title + \" | \" + site_title : site_title)\n meta(name='twitter:description', content=description)\n meta(name='twitter:image', content=site_url + logo)\n \n if current.path[0] === \"blog\"\n if public.authors._data[author].google_plus\n link(rel='author', href='#{ public.authors._data[author].google_plus }')\n \n link(rel='shortcut icon', href='/favicon.ico')\n link(rel='alternate', type='application/rss+xml', title=site_title + \"RSS Feed\", href='/blog/rss.xml')\n link(rel='stylesheet', href=',300,300italic,400italic,700,700italic')\n link(rel='stylesheet', href='')\n link(rel=\"stylesheet\", href='/css/main.css')\n //if lt IE 9\n <script src=\"/js/html5shiv.js\"></script>\n script(type='text/javascript').\n var _gaq = _gaq || [];\n _gaq.push(['_setAccount', '#{ locals.analytics_account }']);\n _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);\n (function() {\n var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;\n ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';\n var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);\n })();\n \n body(class=\"page-#{ current.path[0] } #{ current.path.join('-') }\")\n header.masthead\n .container\n h1\n a(href='/')= site_title\n .img\n .content\n .container\n if current.path[0] === \"index\" || current.path[0] === \"tags\"\n .articles\n if current.path[0] === \"tags\" \n\n h3= current.source.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + current.source.slice(1)\n hr\n for post, slug in\n if post.layout !== false\n if current.path[0] === \"tags\" \n if !post.tags || post.tags.indexOf(current.source) == -1\n - continue \n article\n a.main(href=\"/blog/#{ slug }\")\n img(src=\"/images/#{ public.authors._data[].photo }\", alt=\"#{ public.authors._data[].name }\", class=\"author\")\n post.title\n #{ } • by #{ public.authors._data[].name }\n if post.description\n p= post.description \n != partial(\"/_shared/blog-tags.jade\", { tags: post.tags })\n != yield\n else\n if current.path[0] === \"blog\"\n != partial(\"/blog/_blog\")\n else if current.path[0] === \"authors\"\n != partial(\"/authors/_author\")\n else if [\"404\", \"about\"].indexOf(current.path[0]) !== -1\n\n != yield\n"