habitat-mobile-tracker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
habitat-mobile-tracker copied to clipboard

Use SVG for menu icons instead of rebuilding the custom font

Open rossengeorgiev opened this issue 10 years ago • 1 comments

Maintaining the custom font is cumbersome. Most browsers support SVG, which makes the process of adding/modifying vector icons - a breeze. After all font based icons are only useful if we are using them on multiple places on the same page and around the site.

rossengeorgiev avatar May 25 '14 14:05 rossengeorgiev

Recent icons are embedded as SVG, if I use object or img tags, I lose the ability to change colors. I still feel that they are better off as a font, as it's much easier to work with. On the flipside, updating the font is cumbersome.

rossengeorgiev avatar Jul 13 '14 22:07 rossengeorgiev