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A repository for showcasing a full application lifecycle on AWS, from orchestration to deployments

AWS Terraform PHP Application


  • AWS account with administrative access
  • Route53 Domain (verified in SES for emails too)
  • Terraform


# deploy infrastructure
cd terraform && terraform get
terraform plan
terraform apply

# create bucket if it doesn't exist
aws s3 mb s3:// --region <region>

# update load balancer name in config/

# set deploy variables
git config aws-codedeploy.application-name <app_name>
git config aws-codedeploy.s3bucket
git config aws-codedeploy.deployment-group <group_name>

# update environment variables
nano ./laravel/env

# deploy code to instances

# check status of last deployment

What Does This Build?

Here is a list of all pieces that this repo will put in place for a high availability Laravel application deployment and lifecycle.


  • virtual private cloud
  • public and private Subnets for each availability zone
  • nat gateways in each private subnet
  • bastion host in one public subnet
  • security groups
  • autoscaling group for web instances
  • elastic load balancer
  • internet gateway
  • routing tables
  • route53 domain setup
  • internal dns zone
  • ec2 userdata
  • rds mysql install with multi-az
  • elasticache memcached cluster
  • codedeploy application
  • codedeploy agent on ec2 instances
  • iam roles and policies
  • internal dns records
  • ssh keys


On CodeDeploy, Ansible scripts will be run locally to configure each autoscaled machine. This will include this software.

  • apache webserver
  • php 5.6
  • cloudwatch log setup
  • aws-cli


  • [X] Finish installing CloudTrail agent (
  • [X] ELB Register/Deregister : ASG Standby
  • [X] Add Elasticache Cluster
  • [X] S3/Laravel Filesystem Setup
  • [X] SQS/Laravel Queue Setup
  • [X] Send laravel.log to CloudTrail
  • [X] Memcached / Laravel Cache Test Endpoints
  • [X] Connect Laravel to SES
  • [ ] Add CloudFront
  • [ ] DNS Failover when instances are down
  • [ ] Set autoscaling policy to read memory
  • [ ] Add NACL to VPC
  • [ ] Add frontend build process to app (Gulp & NPM)
  • [ ] Build out app
  • [ ] Integration Tests / CodeDeploy Hooks
  • [ ] Make Ansible playbook more dynamic
  • [ ] Add TrustedProxy?