Roshan Rajaratnam
Roshan Rajaratnam
ok, for now I am working on adding provisioning using OOB Public Key.
@Vhaiyue Could you create a new issue please? It will help us to track and fix issues much faster. Thanks
Hi @Kleak, yes as of now this is not supported on Android due to other priorities. I will try to add it in the next release.
Hey @R0m4in-dooz unfortunately I cannot promise a deadline as I have some other priorities related to mesh and I will add this on one of the upcoming releases. However feel...
Hi @kcjian, yes this is something we will be looking in to pretty soon.
@zanibonilighting Currently there is no update on this one right now unfortunately!
Hi Rom4in thanks for the detailed report. I will try to take a look at this to see where the issue might be. In the mean time could you check...
Hey sorry, been busy with some other tasks. Unfortunately i won't be back to work until Tuesday due to national holidays in Norway. I'll try to take a look at...
@R0m4in-dooz I have had some training programs yesterday and today so I have not had time yet to look in to your issue. I will try my best to have...
Could you also confirm if this is happening with the nRF SDK examples as well?