FFMpegCore copied to clipboard
i need help
I spent a day researching reading frame by frame from video file.mp4 into memory for processing, but without any results. I need help.
` public static void Test() {
int index = 0;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
var parms = FFMpegArguments
.OutputToPipe(new StreamPipeSink(ms), options => options
//.Resize(new Size(Config.JpgWidthLarge, Config.JpgHeightLarge))
//.WithCustomArgument("-vf fps=1 -update 1")
.WithCustomArgument("-vf fps=1/1 -update 1")
parms.NotifyOnProgress(o =>
if (ms.Length > 0)
// ms.Position = 0;
// var bitmap = SKBitmap.Decode(ms);
// var bitmap = Image.Load(ms);
// using (var bitmap = Image.Load(ms))
Debug.WriteLine($"num {index++}");
// Modify bitmap here
// Save the bitmap
//using (var stream = new FileStream(@$"C:\Users\1\source\repos\AiMovie\... t_{index++}.png", FileMode.Create))
// var pngData = bitmap.Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100);
// pngData.SaveTo(stream);
// pngData.SaveTo(stream);
//ms.Position = 0;
// ms.SetLength(0);
catch (Exception e)
} `
i try anythion