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[ros2 turtlesim] normalizeAngle takes double-sized data as float

Open squizz617 opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

Hi. In turtle.cpp for ros2 turtlesim, normalizeAngle takes a float as an argument. However, the data passed into the function is of size double when the function is called, and gets truncated to become nan.

ang_vel_ = vel->angular.z; // type of geometry_msgs::msg::Twist.angular.z is float64 (double)
orient_ = orient_ + ang_vel_ * dt; // orient_ is of type qreal, which is double
orient_ = normalizeAngle(orient_); // double-sized data gets truncated to nan

When a control program publishes to /cmd_vel a Twist message in which angular.z is set to a double-sized value, normalizeAngle ends up returning nan. As a result, orient_ becomes nan, and accordingly, theta, x, y of the turtle's Pose becomes nan in the subsequent lines. This effectively removes the turtle from the frame. The "clamping" logic fails to put the turtle back in the frame, as it compares nan with integers.

e.g., Published message:

    linear=geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0),
    angular=geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=-4.0e+214)

Result: 1 2

Tested and confirmed on the foxy-devel branch, but this problem affects all ros2 branches.

squizz617 avatar Jun 30 '21 21:06 squizz617