moveit icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
moveit copied to clipboard

[servo_server-1] process has died [pid 929659, exit code -11, cmd....

Open Prologue-Z opened this issue 8 months ago • 1 comments


I want to run the pose tracking example.launch of moveit_servo, but it shows an error and without any prompt.

Your environment

  • ROS Distro: [Noetic]
  • OS Version: e.g. Ubuntu 20.04
  • Binary build
  • 1.1.14

Steps to reproduce

  1. Run the demo.launch of my robot_moveit_config.
  2. Run the pose_tracking_example.launch(Just to adapt to my robot, I made some modifications to rosparam "command_out_topic".)

Expected behaviour

I don't know what it should look like, maybe the arm received instructions and started moving。

Actual behaviour

By the “print” debugging method, I found that the node here error and without any prompt.

    // Create the pose tracker
    moveit_servo::PoseTracking tracker(nh, planning_scene_monitor);


Backtrace or Console output

... logging to /home/camar/.ros/log/210350c6-2ec8-11ef-9112-15da6472612a/roslaunch-NUC-177406.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://NUC:42005/


 * /rosdistro: noetic
 * /rosversion: 1.16.0
 * /servo_server/angular_derivative_gain: 0.0
 * /servo_server/angular_integral_gain: 0.0
 * /servo_server/angular_proportional_gain: 0.5
 * /servo_server/cartesian_command_in_topic: delta_twist_cmds
 * /servo_server/check_collisions: True
 * /servo_server/collision_check_rate: 10
 * /servo_server/collision_check_type: threshold_distance
 * /servo_server/collision_distance_safety_factor: 1000
 * /servo_server/command_in_type: speed_units
 * /servo_server/command_out_topic: /rf_hybrid_arm_co...
 * /servo_server/command_out_type: trajectory_msgs/J...
 * /servo_server/ee_frame_name: cm_link_end
 * /servo_server/hard_stop_singularity_threshold: 30
 * /servo_server/incoming_command_timeout: 0.2
 * /servo_server/joint_command_in_topic: delta_joint_cmds
 * /servo_server/joint_limit_margin: 0.1
 * /servo_server/joint_topic: joint_states
 * /servo_server/low_latency_mode: False
 * /servo_server/low_pass_filter_coeff: 2.0
 * /servo_server/lower_singularity_threshold: 17
 * /servo_server/min_allowable_collision_distance: 0.01
 * /servo_server/move_group_name: rf_hybrid_arm
 * /servo_server/num_outgoing_halt_msgs_to_publish: 4
 * /servo_server/planning_frame: base_link
 * /servo_server/publish_joint_accelerations: False
 * /servo_server/publish_joint_positions: True
 * /servo_server/publish_joint_velocities: False
 * /servo_server/publish_period: 0.1
 * /servo_server/robot_link_command_frame: base_link
 * /servo_server/scale/joint: 0.01
 * /servo_server/scale/linear: 0.6
 * /servo_server/scale/rotational: 0.3
 * /servo_server/scene_collision_proximity_threshold: 0.02
 * /servo_server/self_collision_proximity_threshold: 0.01
 * /servo_server/status_topic: status
 * /servo_server/use_gazebo: False
 * /servo_server/windup_limit: 0.05
 * /servo_server/x_derivative_gain: 0.0
 * /servo_server/x_integral_gain: 0.0
 * /servo_server/x_proportional_gain: 1.5
 * /servo_server/y_derivative_gain: 0.0
 * /servo_server/y_integral_gain: 0.0
 * /servo_server/y_proportional_gain: 1.5
 * /servo_server/z_derivative_gain: 0.0
 * /servo_server/z_integral_gain: 0.0
 * /servo_server/z_proportional_gain: 1.5

    servo_server (carm_servo/carm_servo_node)


process[servo_server-1]: started with pid [177444]
[ INFO] [1718864480.747302406]: Loading robot model 'rf_hybrid_arm'...
[ INFO] [1718864480.977713252]: Starting planning scene monitor
[ INFO] [1718864480.980968670]: Listening to '/planning_scene'
[ INFO] [1718864480.981043085]: Starting world geometry update monitor for collision objects, attached objects, octomap updates.
[ INFO] [1718864480.983672218]: Listening to '/collision_object'
[ INFO] [1718864480.986304059]: Listening to '/planning_scene_world' for planning scene world geometry
[ INFO] [1718864480.991339717]: Listening to '/attached_collision_object' for attached collision objects
[servo_server-1] process has died [pid 177444, exit code -11, cmd /home/camar/catkin_ws/devel/lib/carm_servo/carm_servo_node __name:=servo_server __log:=/home/camar/.ros/log/210350c6-2ec8-11ef-9112-15da6472612a/servo_server-1.log].
log file: /home/camar/.ros/log/210350c6-2ec8-11ef-9112-15da6472612a/servo_server-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit

Prologue-Z avatar Jun 20 '24 10:06 Prologue-Z