usb_cam copied to clipboard
usb_cam cannot run when the pixel format is rgb24.
usb_cam cannot run when the pixel format is rgb24. terminal output is as follows. Please help me find out why.
roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam-test.launch ... logging to /home/nvidia/.ros/log/c21aa304-6d1f-11e8-b26d-00044b8d87aa/roslaunch-tegra-ubuntu-6800.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt WARNING: disk usage in log directory [/home/nvidia/.ros/log] is over 1GB. It's recommended that you use the 'rosclean' command.
started roslaunch server http://tegra-ubuntu:33447/
- /rosdistro: kinetic
- /rosversion: 1.12.13
- /usb_cam/camera_frame_id: usb_cam
- /usb_cam/image_height: 720
- /usb_cam/image_width: 1280
- /usb_cam/io_method: mmap
- /usb_cam/pixel_format: rgb24
- /usb_cam/video_device: /dev/video0
NODES / usb_cam (usb_cam/usb_cam_node)
process[usb_cam-1]: started with pid [6818] [ INFO] [1528697923.327253730]: using default calibration URL [ INFO] [1528697923.327804838]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/nvidia/.ros/camera_info/head_camera.yaml [ INFO] [1528697923.328183784]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/home/nvidia/.ros/camera_info/head_camera.yaml] [ WARN] [1528697923.328337065]: Camera calibration file /home/nvidia/.ros/camera_info/head_camera.yaml not found. [ INFO] [1528697923.328510858]: Starting 'head_camera' (/dev/video0) at 1280x720 via mmap (rgb24) at 30 FPS [ WARN] [1528697923.515465061]: unknown control 'white_balance_temperature_auto'
[usb_cam-1] process has died [pid 6818, exit code -11, cmd /home/nvidia/catkin_ws/devel/lib/usb_cam/usb_cam_node __name:=usb_cam __log:=/home/nvidia/.ros/log/c21aa304-6d1f-11e8-b26d-00044b8d87aa/usb_cam-1.log]. log file: /home/nvidia/.ros/log/c21aa304-6d1f-11e8-b26d-00044b8d87aa/usb_cam-1*.log all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit shutting down processing monitor... ... shutting down processing monitor complete done
Checking the introduction of the pixel format and proper memory management to utilize it. It is a definitely memory management error with improper pixel data input handling.
Closing as inactive