mocap_optitrack copied to clipboard
Connection issues between ROS Melodic and Optitrack Streaming Engine
I can't retrieve the pose of a 3D object in ROS . I have 2 computers, one with Windows 10 and one with Ubuntu 18.
The Windows PC has Motive: Tracker 2.2.0 with the following settings in Optitrack Streaming Engine:
- Bradcase Frame Data: On
- Local Interface: the computer's IP, not loopback
- Rigid Bodies: On
- Transmission Type: Multicast
- Command Port: 1510
- Data Port: 1511
- Multicast Interface:
The Linux PC has ROS Melodic and with following installation steps:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
catkin build
The project was built with the below modifications:
- Command Port: 1510
- Data Port: 1511
- Multicast Interface:
I run the following command :
roslaunch mocap_optitrack mocap.launch
and get the below:
roslaunch mocap_optitrack mocap.launch ... logging to /home/george/.ros/log/0bbc8108-88c0-11eb-a872-000c2978f07e/roslaunch-ubuntu-69992.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://ubuntu:38971/
- /mocap_node/optitrack_config/command_port: 1510
- /mocap_node/optitrack_config/data_port: 1511
- /mocap_node/optitrack_config/enable_optitrack: True
- /mocap_node/optitrack_config/multicast_address:
- /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/1/child_frame_id: Robot_1/base_link
- /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/1/odom: Robot_1/Odom
- /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/1/parent_frame_id: world
- /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/1/pose2d: Robot_1/ground_pose
- /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/1/pose: Robot_1/pose
- /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/1/tf: tf
- /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/2/child_frame_id: Robot_2/base_link
- /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/2/odom: Robot_2/Odom
- /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/2/parent_frame_id: world
- /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/2/pose2d: Robot_2/ground_pose
- /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/2/pose: Robot_2/pose
- /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/2/tf: tf
- /rosdistro: melodic
- /rosversion: 1.14.10
NODES / mocap_node (mocap_optitrack/mocap_node)
auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [70002] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
setting /run_id to 0bbc8108-88c0-11eb-a872-000c2978f07e process[rosout-1]: started with pid [70013] started core service [/rosout] process[mocap_node-2]: started with pid [70020] [ WARN] [1616164398.362593479]: Could not get server version, using auto
@geothan Hi, did you define the the id streaming of the rigidbody ? because what you see in the config yaml file of this package that there are 2 rgigbodies are defines the first one with the streaming id 1 and the other is 2 so please make sure that the rigigbody in motive has the streaming id of 1 or 2
Hi @jadhm!
i think that i i've defined properly the streaming ID.
I redownload and built the driver optitrack succesfully, making the below change:
I executed the following:
Could the specific driver not be compatibe with motive 2.2? Can i define server version? Generally, linux and windows computers see each other through ip ping. Windows PC is connected through Ethernet and Linux PC wirelessly in router.
Hi @geothan
That's weird but it should work because I am also using motive 2.2.0 and the driver is compatible with it. could you please try to launch it using --screen so I can see the initialization logs
roslaunch mocap_optitrack mocap.launch --screen
and if you try rostopic list
would you see the all the topics ?
Hi @jadhm ,
Here is a screenshot of launch file execution:
The result of topics is the following:
The first time that i tried the above settings, topics of robot1 weren't visible only parameter_descriptions and parameter_updates topics. These topics are empty, is that normal?
Finally, when i run
roslaunch mocap_optitrack mocap.launch & rosrun rviz rviz
Shall i see my robot in rviz? Because i see an empty world.
It seems it works just fine ! I see that you can read the topic /mocap_node/Robot_1/pose
which is basically the position of the tracked object. So I don't think you have any problems and for visualizing the pose in RVIZ you should add the topic manually and also configure the Fixed frame.
hi,yet I am very happy to see that, but i have down the fixed frame and add topic as you said in RVIZ,there is only a red line with an arrow.can you tell me how to do?i hope you can screenshot
@geothan @lixryjz the problem has been solved ? i get same problem as follows:
[ WARN] [1679050884.023240442]: Could not get server version, using auto
and no more print